ChatterBank1 min ago
Should Khan Go?
London Mayor Khan says the terrible increase in violence on the capitals streets is a “national problem”. Isn’t that just deflecting the blame elsewhere? Shouldn’t he do the decent thing and fall on his sword, or get given the boot, ASAP?
He's unworthy of trust and should go. To dismiss an alarming increase in violent crime as simply a national problem is akin to shrugging his shoulders and saying, "Yeah, whatever."
06:16 Fri 27th Apr 2018
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The stats do not support the idea that Khan is to blame.
https:/ / t.polic ats-and -data/c rime-da ta-dash board/
If you take the dashboard, and spool the start date back as far as it will go, the stats show that there has not been a dramatic increase in the crime figures.
Also, I don’t recall the same charges being levelled at the previous incumbent in the role of Mayor.
If you take the dashboard, and spool the start date back as far as it will go, the stats show that there has not been a dramatic increase in the crime figures.
Also, I don’t recall the same charges being levelled at the previous incumbent in the role of Mayor.
Why do you say he’s done nothing to stop it?
He initiated a new violent crime taskforce of 120 officers, which was created using additional funding from City Hall
The Met Police has introduced targeted patrols with extra stop and search powers for areas worst-affected by knife crime.
He is protecting the number of frontline police officers on London’s streets by investing £110m in the Met Police.
Also, police made more than 900 arrests during Operation Winter Nights in November and December, taking more than 350 weapons off London’s streets.
Why do you say he’s done nothing to stop it?
He initiated a new violent crime taskforce of 120 officers, which was created using additional funding from City Hall
The Met Police has introduced targeted patrols with extra stop and search powers for areas worst-affected by knife crime.
He is protecting the number of frontline police officers on London’s streets by investing £110m in the Met Police.
Also, police made more than 900 arrests during Operation Winter Nights in November and December, taking more than 350 weapons off London’s streets.
No one person can put an end to this, but he isn't doing anything at all it seems;
Do you know what "drill" is? Read this and weep;
https:/ /www.sp ectator 2018/04 /drill- the-bru tal-rap -that-f uels-ga ng-murd er/
Do you know what "drill" is? Read this and weep;
Regarding drill - the Spectator has got it the wrong way around. Grime and drill are refelective, not drivers. It’s the same as what happened in the 90s with Snoop, Geto Boys and Dre - it wasn’t the music that invented the environment, rather the other way around.
If you grow up with rubbish schools, rubbish homes, and a nihilistic outlook - you’re not going to be blaring Barry Manilow from your car speakers.
I think we should be careful not to look for simple answers (grime and drill are to blame).
If you grow up with rubbish schools, rubbish homes, and a nihilistic outlook - you’re not going to be blaring Barry Manilow from your car speakers.
I think we should be careful not to look for simple answers (grime and drill are to blame).
SP's stats released by the Met look reassuring. These by the Office for National Statistics a little less so:
https:/ /www.on k/peopl epopula tionand communi ty/crim eandjus tice/bu lletins /crimei nenglan dandwal es/year endingd ecember 2017