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Latest Peice Of "genius" From Some "think" Tank!

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ToraToraTora | 09:38 Tue 08th May 2018 | News
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So us older folk who have worked and saved all our lives must bale out the kids because the little darlings are finding it too difficult? Life is difficult life is unfair, get on with it.


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Already mugged of savings income due to unfairly low interest rates, they now want the generation who have had it better than previous ones, due to accumulating wealth in the country over time, to be able to grab even further finance from the older prudent generation to gift to themselves. The property ladder may be a little more difficult to get onto now, but...
10:06 Tue 08th May 2018
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"It is a fact that buying a house is harder now than it was 20 years ago"

No - it is not a fact, it is an assertion- and it is simply not true once you take salaries into account (except perhaps in parts of London and one or two other localised hot-spots).

You also need to assume that the moaners are prepared to make the same sacrifices as 'my generation' to save for a deposit ...

... but suddenly I see the flaw in my argument.

Spath, your 12:14 post was not there when I posted @ 12:16.
She just gets on with it, is self-employed as a designer and has worked to establish a reputation in the fashion Industry, she spends more time in sunny foreign locations than she does at home nowadays.

Spath see 12:16.
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Yes, she always said
"The harder she worked, the luckier she got"
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//The OAPs of today got houses for the price of chips//

If interest rates had been the same for me at 25, as they are for todays snowflakes, I would have bought 2 houses. They see the false low interest rates as an opportunity to max out credit cards, take holidays, massive wedding days( for marriages that last 5 minutes), latest smartphones, flat screen TVs, and jam jars that they cannot even drive properly. Meehh.
//No - it is not a fact, it is an assertion- and it is simply not true once you take salaries into account (except perhaps in parts of London and one or two other localised hot-spots). //

Have you actually studied the house price to income ratio over the last forty years or so? It would appear that you haven't.
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Togo, High-Five Mate ;o)
It’s my fault Started work at £5.50a week finished 48 years later at £190 a week .Im sorry .
//I could take the lot of ya //

Not if we were the same age, be sure of it. Send you home crying to ya mammy.
My first "wage" was £9 per week. Had to give some to my mum, pay my bus fares and lunches and buy clothes. Property ladder? Don't make me laugh.
"I could take the lot of ya "

I doubt that very much pal. But there we go, reasoned argument is rebuffed by you with threats of violence.

What a nice person.
Lived on big soup and potatoes in grotty bedsit in drug land (woken continually by the old bill kicking doors in up the road) and 'appropriated' bog roll.

Easy - no certainly not. Different set of problems yes. for starters multiples of income for buildo's were low, usually you had to save with one for years and even then sit on a waiting list as only so much was given out each month. And then when you got it sky high interest rates.

Calm down, it's only a joke.
Two of my daughers and my son managed to buy houses last year. With the exception of the Doctor one the others went without worked hard and saved hard. Quelle surpise they achieved their goal.
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We bought 1st house in 1973, by staying in,no cinema, no fast food places (remember Wimpys?) doing without fashionable clothes. (well that didn't matter cos we never went out!)to scrape together the downpayment on a newbuild house £4, 750

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