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jennyjoan | 20:55 Sat 19th May 2018 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
just in from walking the dog. I do have to cross a few pubs - one girl all dressed up in a wedding dress, another girl dressed as the groom - they were getting photies done. I asked them were they imitating the wedding - eh oh no I'm on my hen night - I'm getting married next week. The dress she was wearing was her sisters's of 25 years.

Never a dull moment where I live and thank God for it.


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Brightens things up nicely.
Did you have a drink with them though, conne ?.
Hmmm, have I misunderstood? The girl was wearing a 25 year old wedding dress that her sister had worn on her own wedding day?
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Haven't had a drink since Pussy was a Cat.
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that's right Jo - I did think to myself - it was very dated which actually made me think they were on Fancy Dress
Big age gap then Jo.
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The girl in question was beautiful. Then another two girls were walking along. The two of them absolutely stunning. One in particular - was beautiful.

I do think the girls are wasted on the fellas. They spend hours on themselves. Fellas - wash *** and shave. A T-shirt and a pair of jeans and they can get anybody.
That's lovely then.
I've seen some sights on hen parties. They seem to like angel wings around here. And white limos.
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Money's no problem with the young ones. I honestly don't know how they do it.
. Fellas - wash *** and shave. A T-shirt and a pair of jeans and they can get anybody.

Yep, has always been that way conne a flash car helps as well ;-)

You know you love us, conne.
If the girls are wasted on the fellas the girls could run off together ;-)
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Well Tony I only met one fella with a car. That was it. I had to hoof it home with all of them and with the highest stilletoes(sp) you ever seen.

And throughout all the troubles. Troubles never stopped me and sista - we climbed over the barricades and away we went. Terrible times though looking back on it.
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Mamy - it's getting to be like that round here now too LOL.

Already I know of 3 kids who are only 18-21 and they are Elizabethians LOL.
Aren't most of us?
I was born in the year of the Coronation.
Troubles never stopped me and sista - we climbed over the barricades and away we went.

Very brave girls, conne. Especially in those heels gawd, they don't half make a mess of the cars roof lining.
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Lesbian Mamy - sorry for that confusion. LOL
I'm not confused JJ, not never.
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When I got my first car which was an old mini- my mother always gave off because the front seats were too far back and also she said the steam never cleared up. Get a grip Mother. LOL

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