Editor's Blog1 min ago
Shame On All Of Us
15 Answers
This on top after the horror of what the Japanese did last week just boils my ****
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/wo rld-asi a-44344 468
Whale dies after eating plastic bags.
Whale dies after eating plastic bags.
I do not believe we should carry guilt for things that happened in the past, so many times it was the state mankind had reached and society evolves what was seen as a good thing once is abhorrent today, but we do have a responsibili ty going forward. I have no children. I could say I have no investment in the state of the world 50 years from now, let those with...
14:23 Sun 03rd Jun 2018
I wonder how much of the rubbish at sea comes from these things.
https:/ /singul arityhu b.com/2 011/04/ 05/1000 0-shipp ing-con tainers -lost-a t-sea-e ach-yea r-heres -a-look -at-one -2/#sm. 0001rq4 eqjrvcf sgwk92k ez8ysgo c
All we can do is reduce our usage, and try to educate people. Eventually somehow I hope someone finds a way to gather plastic in the same way they harvest fish from the sea, if we can stop more reaching the sea, and if someone finds a really profitable way of recycling then we might get somewhere. I think converting plastics to building materials might be the way forward. (You can already buy decking and fascia boards made from recycled plastic) Then we wouldn't need to take sand and rocks etc to build our homes. There are some brilliant minds out there we just need to embrace the new products as they come on stream.
I do not believe we should carry guilt for things that happened in the past, so many times it was the state mankind had reached and society evolves what was seen as a good thing once is abhorrent today, but we do have a responsibility going forward. I have no children. I could say I have no investment in the state of the world 50 years from now, let those with offspring deal with the issues. I could, but I want future generations to share this world with whales, turtles, elephants, etc. To know the joy of swimming in a clear sea, or playing on a plastic free beach.