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Shooting In Canada

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maggiebee | 09:20 Mon 23rd Jul 2018 | News
40 Answers
Just heard something (didn't catch it all) about a shooting in Toronto. Apparently 1 dead and 17 injured. Any other info?


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Yes though I wonder why greektown was targeted as out of all the ethnic//towns// there, greektown is the calmest and most law abiding I know of based on what friends have told me.

Another hate filled savage probably to be defined with "mental health issues".

Glad he is dead at least that will stop anyone letting him out in the future.

looks like another ali akbhar to me.
"Van Eek described the suspect as a white male aged in his early to late thirties and wearing black clothing."
Can you tell from that, TTT?
How terrifying, those poor people.
Tragic. But I can't see any point in speculating or taking bets at this stage as to the motives. We can discuss ways to reduce the risks once we know the facts (although I realise some will disbelive whatever the authorities/media says)
I haven't read every report so don't always know how others have formed their opinions - I know he's dead and not much more about him.
Canadian officials have identified the man responsible for a mass shooting in Toronto as Faisal Hussain.

Well, who'd a guessed he's have a name like that? Mentally ill ... naturally.
Ta for the update.
You're welcome.
I bet he shops in Aldi. Dead cert.
Is he a Mennonite?
Aldi? No, that's the Amish.

All on a short fuse, tho'.

Dotty, every last one of them.

Often wondered what constitutes an Authority
(Oh dear - "every last one" - I've just generalised - hate speech - at least three months and a thousand quid for that. Good job the understaffed Met is spending all its time pursuing thieves, rapists and murderers.)
An Authority - Somebody with a big stick.
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