Spath, //i, as a english white boy, can not even question the culture, or actions of someone on the other side of the planet. //
Everything I mentioned is happening in this country … all of it – and you can add to that FGM, forced marriage, and underage marriage to that list – and yes, you, as a human being can, and should, be questioning it. Every right-thinking, fair-minded, citizen, without exception, should be questioning it. This is the west – and what Islam promotes, endorses, and gets away with, is unacceptable in a just and free society.
Rockrose, // I wonder how blind people manage so well with interaction then?//
The burqa is a visible barrier - and that renders the wearer pretty much unapproachable – and absolutely unapproachable to a man. It’s a garment that doesn’t encourage interaction of any description.
I can’t get my head around how some of the muddled minds around here work, but there’s me, vigorously defending the rights of the down-trodden - and somehow I’m the bad guy. Funny old world.