I doubt it's anything to do with the couple being gay, more likely to do with the fact that they were considered to be middle class, and the erroneous idea that only working class people abuse their children.
just watching it on the news. It says social services looked on this case through a "positive lens" - yee gods, the kid was getting battered F\FS. Several trips to hospital and still they did not act. They should all be fired and charged with manslaughter by negligence.
Any parent who has taken their child to A&E knows how carefully they check on what has occurred to bring you there, it's very hard to see why her repeated injuries went uninvestigated.
Looks like the "social engineering" programme need a few tweeks. Meanwhile an innocent child pays the price. Imagine the uproar if they had been Jewish.
this is what you have after 40 years of TROB, innocents dying because brain dead social workers are more terrified of being labelled than they are about the death of a child. kin disgusting.
I suspect the ‘positive lense’ Was because they were gay.
However the fact the child had so many injuries and had so many visits to the hospital is in no small way a testament to 1.the gullibility of SS when they are being PC and 2. How sly he was.
Well my faith in the abilities of social services to do the right thing when presented with what they perceive as a delicate situation remains undiminished.
\\During his trial, Scully-Hicks claimed he never harmed Elsie and said she must have suffered her fatal injuries after he changed her for bed at home on 25 May 2016.//
\\Matthew Scully-Hicks claimed Elsie had fallen down the stairs after a wooden stair gate accidentally opened when she pulled herself up on it//
Lieing piece of excrement, hopefully some nice gentleman in prison will show him the error of his ways.
I remember taking our middle daughter to A & E when she was vomiting and complaining of pain in her side.
The A & E nurse imediately examined her really closely from top to toe, clearly looking for any evidence of abuse. Turns out she had appendicitis, and went straight to theatre.
That was over thirty years ago - standards seem to have slipped since then.
I think kvalidir makes a very good point.
There was a real mob mentality the other day when it looked like a bunch of white working-class yobs had tormented that poor woman - 'hang them - birch them - beat them to a pulp'. There wasn't a peep out of you when it turned out to be a bunch of kids from 'good families'.
You always manage to come together when it looks like travellers or the working-class are responsible.
The Bulger case was another instance - Venables, the poor middle-class kid led astray - it's not looking much like that anymore is it?
You want to check out your own 'positive lenses'.