Just bought a brand new BMW at his age? How could he afford and insure that then? I think we can take an educated guess as to what line of 'business' they were in.
No doubt it will be the fault of the police and the relatives will be holding regular vigils demanding justice for their innocent sons who were never in trouble and never did anyone any harm,
Not everyone is a pauper at 20 odd, so he might have been able to afford the car through perfectly respectable legitimate means, and I think it's unfair to speculate that their 'business' was necessarily illegal when you have no knowledge of any of them. Four young people are dead, and I don't see any relative demanding justice or blaming the police who tried to revive them. Quite a nastily phrased, loaded post tbh Dave, and quite inappropriate imho.
Quite a lot of assumptions in your question. You seem to be concluding that they were criminals and it was their own fault that they have been killed.
Unfortunately there isn’t a scrap of evidence in the report to support your conclusion. In fact it seems to go out of its way to say the lads were nice.
The Independent Office for Police Conduct is now investigating.
A more sour than usual post from you, dave....
Don't let the fact that 4 young men have died deflect you from assuming the worst about their characters, will you?
My only question is what were 4 lads doing at 5am to arouse the police ? The video does show the BMW on the wrong side of the road just before the crash.
That is why I regret the CCTV picture has been edited. It would have been useful to know how far behind the BMW the police car was timewise. Due to the edit, it makes it look like it was a couple of seconds behind, but we do not know how much time has been cut out of the film.
That is important because (the video as presented) the assumption can be made (as above) that they were being chased by the police, and trying to evade them. But if the missing time shows the police were merely observing them from a discreet distance, and recording their bad driving for a prosecution, then the story takes on an entirely different course.
It is a mite judgmental. The driver was responsible for car & passengers, assuming one of the passengers didn't do something foolish to cause the issue. Meanwhile it's suggested racing occurs on the road regularly. Authorities should've nipped that in the bug when residents first complained.
If you watch the video in slo mo it suggests that the Police were some distance back. Firstly the Police car was doing nothing like the speed, and coming, the other way is a white car with headlights on as the Police arrive. It is not in shot at the time of the crash.