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So you don't believe the caller was a policeman then.?
I have no idea.
BUT there is no suggestion that he would have behaved in any other way than in accordance with British law whatever answer he had received.
Asking a question, in and of itself, does not indicate that the questioner is going to embark on a course of action determined by the answer.
jackthehat, I've read the OP. Where are the huge assumptions?
Throughout the thread naomi.
If it is more pleasing to you, delete the word 'huge' and just go with 'assumptions'. That should be simpler.

Moving on to this:

//Asking a question, in and of itself, does not indicate that the questioner is going to embark on a course of action determined by the answer. //

But a British policeman asking that[i question doesn't bode well at all. He [i]must] know that 12 year old girls are off limits.... so why would he ask? Answers on a postage stamp?

He asked if it was a 'cultural norm' for an Iraqi.

(I don't have a postage stamp to hand but hope that the answer was succinct enough for you.)
TBH for TROP 12 is a bit old. This beggars belief, if a plod needs clarification then he's seriously lacking in the common sense dept! Anyway why is an Iraqi man any different from anyone else? if it was a British bloke he'd rightly be labelled as a paedophile, end of!
//He asked if it was a 'cultural norm' for an Iraqi. //

Why? The cultural norm for Iraq is irrelevant to this country.

'Succinct' isn't a word I'd use to describe your responses, jackthehat.
naomi - you have advised (on more than one occasion) that contributors to AB should educate themselves about Islam and the 'cultural practices' thereof. Here is a policeman (allegedly) doing just that (for reasons unknown to you) and still he is berated....
quite right naomi, the "cultural norm" is not relevant.
I can't believe what I am reading here.

If the bloke had his missus thigh deep in earth stoning her to death would we take into consideration his former country's cultural norms?
Talbot, more often than not, that’ll be up to the neck.

Jackthehat, //Here is a policeman (allegedly) doing just that (for reasons unknown to you)//

His reasons are not unknown to me – or you. He called because he wished to be ‘culturally sensitive’ to a man he’d arrested on suspicion of paedophilia. Still, stick to squirming behind personal digs if it suits your purpose – although in defending this stupid man’s action the rationale behind that purpose evades me.
I must say that 'jumping to conclusions' certainly seems to be the only exercise many ABers are getting these days.
jackthehat, no conclusions jumped to .... except by those promoting the idea that the policeman wanted to ... cough ... learn about Islam.

Oh yes... almost forgot ... err .. lol.
naomi - I wasn't having a dig, you regularly instruct people to 'educate yourself' about Islam.
You cannot possibly know exactly what the reasons are that the Policeman asked the question he did.
KN made a note in their call logs including the words 'culturally sensitive'......others have, since the, spun them to mean what they wish them to.
I reiterate, there is absolutely *no* justifiable reason for assuming that the Policeman was going to take a course of action outside that which would be the proper one.
You're wasting your breath, Jack!
Jackthehat, //You cannot possibly know exactly what the reasons are that the Policeman asked the question he did.//

The report makes his reason clear. Unlike you, I haven’t speculated so far, but I will now because it seems to me that his sole reason for asking was to ascertain whether or not he should be culturally sensitive towards the man he’d arrested. Had the answer been ‘Yes’, he may well have acted ‘appropriately’ – or as I prefer to say, inappropriately.
///.....because it seems to me......///
Which rather proves my point.

It is highly probable that his 'girlfriend' would have also been Iraqi, with both families being Iraqi. There is nothing wrong with seeking advice/assistance from an organisation like KN who will be more knowledgeable about these matters. There is nothing in the article to show that he is an 'arresting officer' and he may well have been part of the police-liaison team dealing with the girl's family.
Jackthehat, //There is nothing in the article to show that he is an 'arresting officer'//

Try again.

//after he had arrested a 26-year-old//

It seems to me that all of that ‘seems to you’. You don't have a point.
I stand corrected on that point alone.

However, I stand by eveything else I have posted this afternoon.

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