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Gromit | 00:02 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | News
146 Answers
1. Back to prison for the same sentence
2. Back to prison for a shorter sentence
3. Back to prison for a longer sentence
4. Set free

Which will it be ?


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That, "right wing extremist violence approving hate filled racist Tommy The Thug Rrobinson," as he is portrayed, is related by marriage to a Muslim through his cousins marriage, is friends with Muslims, and had four Muslim guests at his wedding.
But he crossed the line of acceptability when he challenged the politically correct status quo by actually and accurately spoke of the Muslim grooming gangs, the lackadaisical attitude of the police towards this, and the fear of the politicians to actually address the problem and protect or youngsters.
He had to be stopped.
He was stopped.
Just like Anjem Choudary?
Theland - // hat, "right wing extremist violence approving hate filled racist Tommy The Thug Rrobinson," as he is portrayed, is related by marriage to a Muslim through his cousins marriage, is friends with Muslims, and had four Muslim guests at his wedding. //

I bet he says "Some of my best friends are Muslims!" as well.

If you are trying to paint his some sort of all-inclusive right-on good guy because he has Muslim relatives by marriage, you'd need to better than that.

You often state that the 'present Mrs Hughes' is a practising Catholic, but it doesn't stop you from making your views on Christianity known.
AOG - // andy-hughes

You often state that the 'present Mrs Hughes' is a practising Catholic, but it doesn't stop you from making your views on Christianity known. //

OK - and your point is?

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