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Gromit | 00:02 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | News
146 Answers
1. Back to prison for the same sentence
2. Back to prison for a shorter sentence
3. Back to prison for a longer sentence
4. Set free

Which will it be ?


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AH 1643 "naomi - // andy-hughes, I have great admiration for those who have the courage to say it like it is. Yes, annoying I know - especially when you'd rather they'd shut up. //

goes "shut your mouth" apply ?
That about sums the mentality up, Tamborine.
//I don't see 'Tommy' parting with much of his ill-gotten gains - do you? //
I personally do not need to buy my popularity and gain redemption.
Perhaps Mr Robinson is not so shallow.
There are some very altruistic people who do not feel the need to broadcast their charitable deeds, although there are some on here who constantly trumpet it, so we can't speculate what or where Mr Robinson might donate.
Totally irrelevant in any case.
retrocop - // … so we can't speculate what or where Mr Robinson might donate. //

Indeed we can - and I do!!!
Naomi - // You're belittling yourself. //

Yes, but only in your eyes, and I am pretty sure I can live with that.
andy-hughes, //Indeed we can //

andy-hughes, // You're belittling yourself. //

/// Yes, but only in your eyes///

You're mistaken.
OK. you have inside knowledge. I don't. I still consider it irrelevant and a mercenary attitude to discuss.
Tommy Robinson knows full well the consequences of his actions but that doesn't hold him back. He wouldn't have made much of an impact if he had just stood at the Court entrance handing leaflets out.
I gotta hand it to you, AH, some superb tap-dancing in fact even moon-walking at 1707.
Tommy Robinson is putting his life on the line.
// Correction is good, it's how we learn ;P //

so Tommy will learn from his spell in prison and not do it again

oh oops! sorry this episode is already about him DOING it again
how hum has anyone said - prison sentences dont work
now THERE is a new thought ! on an old subject
jesus you two cant you play nicely ?
it is like stichomythia

[dialogue in which two characters speak alternate lines of verse, used as a stylistic device in ancient Greek drama.]

I know it is meant to read like Morecambe and Wise give and take two liners but if they really had written like that - they would have starved
I'm forever puzzled why some appear to show no interest or concern with the antics of predominantly Muslim Pakistani grooming gangs but are like a pit bull with a bone when it comes to Robinson.
naomi - // andy-hughes, //Indeed we can //

How? //

Quite easily - I speculate that 'Tommy Robinson' is a money-grubbing fraud who gives nothing to anyone.

See - simple.
The last couple of pages of the islamification of France post might make things more clearer to you.
naomi - // andy-hughes, // You're belittling yourself. //

/// Yes, but only in your eyes///

You're mistaken. //


It's very simple - only you comment on it, and I have expressed my view on that.

If anyone else on here whose opinion I actually care about, advises that they are unhappy with my opinions, I'll address it with them, but I'm not holding my breath.
retrocop - // A-H
OK. you have inside knowledge. I don't. I still consider it irrelevant and a mercenary attitude to discuss. //

If I had inside knowledge, I would be offering statements - I don't, that's why I'm offering speculation.

I think it's absolutely mercenary, but you'd have to speak to 'Tommy Robinson' about that.
andres - // Tommy Robinson knows full well the consequences of his actions but that doesn't hold him back. He wouldn't have made much of an impact if he had just stood at the Court entrance handing leaflets out. //

You're quite right - 'Tommy Robinson' knows the value of publicity, and what better than to pull a stunt guaranteed to get him arrested?
sanmac - // I gotta hand it to you, AH, some superb tap-dancing in fact even moon-walking at 1707. //

It's not 'tap dancing' - it's the rules of grammar, and as Harry Hill says, I don't make the rules do I!

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