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The Truth Hurts It Seems......

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ToraToraTora | 08:17 Tue 02nd Oct 2018 | News
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I guess the EUSSR are too close to it all, to see they are, in some measure, analogous to the USSR.


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“The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.” Mikhail Gorbachev
10:19 Tue 02nd Oct 2018
In what ways is the EU analogous?
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read the link TCL.
I'm growing to respect Jeremy Hunt more. He may have voted to remain, but later said he would vote leave if asked again, having seen through George Osborne's lies.
It isn't, THECORBYLOON, as various former residents of the USSR can and will attest.
Its one thing for the pundits in the AB bubble to warble on about EUSSR, quite another for our foreign secretary to do it. His comments are understandably offensive especially to countries like Poland, Estonia and Latvia itself. I don’t recall the USSR ever tolerating referendums on leaving or under having to deal with a waiting list of hopeful applicants.
Anyway, I leave the floor to the usual ... :-)
Both are fond of threats.

British planes won’t be able to land in the EU if Brexit goes wrong, Eurocrat Jean-Claude Juncker warns
TTT, I read the link but other than Farrage saying Hunt spoke his words, what does the article say to support your claim?
^ talbot
oberleutnant junk needs to stop quaffing and keep his mouth shut...if hes that dim that he doesnt realise that we can also stop planes from countries that him and his thug cohorts seem to think they own from landing in OUR country then hes seriously deluded..oh hold on !
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well it's not just about this particular article, we have been comparing the EUSSR to the USSR for years but now even the politicians are seeing it. In this link Hunt only refers to the prevention of members leaving but the wider issue includes all the common rules, uniformity across the member states,the overriding of national identity. The "politburo" - style of un elected rulers who may as well be from the same "party". The EU parliament has very little effect so it is in effect a one party state with the commission as the "party". etc etc....All the things that the remainers cannot see.
You've been comparing the EU to the USSR for years, indeed, but only in a way that shows that you understand neither of them.

Given this article's lack of length, it makes a decent effort of comparing the EU and USSR ...
Embarrassing and ridiculous comparison. Why does our Government have to behave like half wits on the global stage? Absolutely cringeworthy and pathetic, showing a total lack of understanding and intellect.
It's probably worth bearing in mind that politicians spend huge amounts of money to access digital profiles of target voters. These profiles are made by companies who deal in information scooped from all over the internet. Including sites like this one.

So when you see politicians spouting eerily-similar lines that you (and people who agree with you) have been writing on the internet for years, the chances are that there hasn't been some Damascene conversion. The chances are that your comments have been scooped up as one tiny part of a larger digital profile which that politician has bought access to - and they are using your own language to manipulate you and build a false sense of connection and likemindedness without actually having to do anything.

The kind of ridiculous hyperbole being spouted by Hunt (who I really doubt believes it because he is a black hole of cynicism with just about no overriding beliefs) is exactly why it is so dangerous for politicians to "speak the language of the man on the street". It's just a different and more insidious form of manipulation than the usual evasiveness and weasel words.
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so can we expect them to latch on to other terms kromo? VB for example?
Oh. you do hope so don't you - saves them all actually doing anything.
Perhaps you need to think a wee bit more before writing dismissively, "read the link TCL"
Honestly as we now have the foreign secretary spouting this rubbish it would not surprise me anymore.

Fortunately 'VB' just seems to be you for the moment.
VB is the "veritable ********" TTT spouts on a regular basis.
Once again people seem to be not reading the words properly.

It isn’t saying the EU is the same as the USSR in all respects but in in the trying to stop the exodus of countries leaving is comparable with Russia trying to stop countries leaving the USSR.

So it sent an insult to those that lost life or any number of examples given.

They ‘outrage’ is manufactured by way of deliberately not wanting to accept what is written.
“The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade
is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create
the Soviet Union in Western Europe.”

Mikhail Gorbachev

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