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The Truth Hurts It Seems......

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ToraToraTora | 08:17 Tue 02nd Oct 2018 | News
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I guess the EUSSR are too close to it all, to see they are, in some measure, analogous to the USSR.


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β€œThe most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.” Mikhail Gorbachev
10:19 Tue 02nd Oct 2018
Sounds like Grapes, sour, munch TTT !
""There isn’t an ‘exodus of countries leaving’ tho. " - YET! they are waiting for brexit to see what happens.

once the cash dries up theyll be out, it was the cash that made them enroll in the first place...
TTT spouts unfounded rubbish. YMB jumps on the bandwagon. Standard.
"the continual dismissal of non believers as somehow less intelligent." is that worse than calling some folk Vichy Britons?

You're quick with the phrases and abbreviations but slow with the evidence.
I do like ‘peace is unity in diversity not similarity’
He hasn’t completely lost it :-)
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"is that worse than calling some folk Vichy Britons?" - well that's demonstrated by the facts, not really an opinion at all. What would you call those that collaborate with an un elected corrupt foreign power to undermine and ultimately overthrow their own government. Perhaps you have a better term to use, I'm all ears.
It’s ‘have you stopped beating your wife’ mode tora. Impossible to answer properly
That's just a copy paste of the same quote by a user on another website, Danny. This does not tell me when or where it is from.
JIm 360 See my post at 12.41. If you are still not convinced then I suggest that you phone Mr Gorbachev.
Kromo look at my last post.It also applies to yo.
What a valuable contribution, thank you.
All ears but you fail to listen. Where is the evidence of this plan to overthrow our government?
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in no way comparable ich, there is no viable answer to that question. All I ask here is that someone gives me an alternative to VB for the traits outlined above. I took the term from the Vichy French collaborators in WWII because it seemed to fit but I'll drop it for a better term if one can be found.
Are the Nazis and the Soviets really the only points of comparison or analysis available to you?
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TCL: "All ears but you fail to listen. Where is the evidence of this plan to overthrow our government? " - if we stay in the EUSSR our government will be slowly reduced to little more than a parish council. That's the trouble with you remoaners, you cannot see beyond the traditional methods. Once thus reduced our government will have been overthrown no less effectively that if it had been done by military force.
Another quote from a good man

“The EU is the old Soviet Union dressed in Western clothes.”
― Mikhail Gorbachev
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krom: "Are the Nazis and the Soviets really the only points of comparison or analysis available to you? " - not at all but they offer the best comparison in many aspects of what is happening in the EUSSR. Instead of convulsing in shock because I want out why don't you explain to me why I should not want out?

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