It's unclear what we are bring asked to do.
Buy less meat, probably already do. Less milk, cheese and butter, honestly I probably don't have enough now for a healthy diet. More locally sourced seasonal food, fine except the places I eat need to make the change. Throw less of it away, very difficult as I sling almost none. Drive electric cars, well the power station still pollutes and the infastructure to generate/distribute isn't there and the car specs are inadequate. Walk, I do. Cycle, get real that clogs up the roads and are death traps, that should be discouraged. Take trains and buses instead of planes, who takes planes internally in the UK; yeah me and my neighbours do it all the time. Use videoconferencing instead of business travel, don't business travel. Use a washing line instead of a tumble dryer, do when it's sunny. Insulate homes, they are. Demand low carbon in every consumer product, stop blaming the consumer.
There needs to be more thought on practical action.