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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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Theland - // Andy - " known troublemaker and agitator?"
Evidence? //

Does creating the EDL count?
When it went pear shaped he left.

// Robinson told the BBC that he was dismayed to discover that the EDL's ranks had been swollen with racist and neo-Nazi supporters //
RETRO, would he wish terrorists luck?
Spot the ignorant bigoted racist, tough call.
It’s all white. Or was that the intention?
An interesting placard. The shouts of Uk and British police go to hell is in the video.
Ah, it’s worked now. But I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make.
It’s just a still pic. Not a video.
That was au utterly disgraceful and unproved attack on a stranger in the street by a bigoted narrow-minded racist moron who does her race and her faith no favours at all.
I have again watch this video and find it quite staggering how she had been referred to as.

Well worth 4 mins of anybody's time
//Senior British army officers are threatening to punish soldiers who criticise a politically correct Army recruitment advertisement that panders to identity politics, according to a ‘warning note’ seen by the Mail on Sunday.
The note says that senior Army figures “have become aware that serving personnel are not following guidance and have demonstrated negative opinions” about the series of videos which target Muslims, LGBT people, and “sensitive” individuals on grounds that the ads are too politically correct.
Military superiors are “increasingly frustrated by the perceived negative impact that serving personnel are having on this campaign”, warning that anyone who reacts negatively to the promotional videos “can be dealt with under disciplinary or administrative action as appropriate”.//
There s however one common sense voice at least.

//Colonel Richard Kemp CBE said of the campaign in January: “The army, like the rest of government, is being forced down a route of political correctness.”
“What is most important is that the army is full of soldiers. It is of secondary importance that they reflect the composition of society.
“Of course the more people from all parts of society who join the better, but it’s even more important to fill the army up with people who want to fight and want to be soldiers and this I don’t think will do that,” he added.//
I like that Togo.
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The military once recognised this as a Christian country, when we attended Church Parades on the Base's parade square, they would first announce all other denominations march off the parade ground and face the wall".
How times have changed.
"We sit by and watch the barbarian. We tolerate him in the long stretches of peace, we are not afraid. We are tickled by his irreverence; his comic inversion of our old certitudes and our fixed creed refreshes us; we laugh. But as we laugh we are watched by large and awful faces from beyond, and on these faces there are no smiles."

Hillaire Belloc.
Yes, aog, and his postings about being mystified. Bless.

Did those other denominations face the firing squad? Sounds a tad strong to me.
"That was au utterly disgraceful and unproved attack on a stranger in the street by a bigoted narrow-minded racist moron who does her race and her faith no favours at all"

I still cannot get over this disgraceful comment. . There were aggressive men pointing fingers at her face, she was told she would burn in hell. Why was there no condemnation of their actions. The reporter was born In Luton and revisited to report on what it had turned into to.

I think I am wasting my time,lol.
I thought you made that comment, SK.
Thought it referred to the Muslim woman who attacked the presenter.
The comment was made by AH referring to the reporter,disgraceful.

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