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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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//Then should the media also be stifled in the way some try to stifle Tommy Robinson? //

Same difference.
Question Author

/// AOG, I’m sure many people spoke up for certain proponents of anti-immigration in the 30s (you may remember?). ///

No I don't there wasn't an immigration problem in the UK around that time.

If you are trying to associate Tommy Robinson with the likes of Hitler, Mussolini or Spain’s General Franco then you a failing miserably.

Tommy Robinson is not a fascist he is a patriot who is brave enough to speak out against the Muslim Child Grooming Gangs that infest our land.

Can't you bring yourself to condemn them also, instead of condemning Mr Robinson?

yeah I saw 600
and thought 30 would have covered all points andthe other 570 answers are just more of the same - same old same old....
// No I don't there wasn't an immigration problem in the UK around that time. //

er yes there was - jewish immigration from germany - and Kindertransport and all that jazz - and immigration to Palestine as was. Jesus AOG did you actually GET history O level ?
Question Author

//Then should the media also be stifled in the way some try to stifle Tommy Robinson? //

/// Same difference. ///

Well if you want to include yourself among those 'some' then feel free, but please don't accuse me of including you.
Question Author
Peter Pedant

/// yeah I saw 600
and thought 30 would have covered all points ... ///

Then why didn't you jump off at 30?

/// same old same old. ///

Yes you must learn to change your tune Peter.
I never read anything from PP, who dat den ?
Question Author
Peter Pedant

/// jewish immigration from germany - and Kindertransport and all that jazz - ///

No immigration problem there, as far as I could see, unlike today's problems.

/// AOG did you actually GET history O level ? ///

Didn't have to, no O levels then, but I lived through those times, not what I have read in the rewritten history that we read today.

I don't want to stifle him, AOG!! I think he's quite articulate and often makes sense. It's just the numbskulls that follow him and the fact he seems to be more interested in self publicity than the issues he's shouting about.
AOG - // How a certain few are so easily brainwashed into believing that Tommy is the real threat to our security, whilst taking the attention away from the real threat. //

'Tommy' probably lies in bed dreaming of ever being that important, and having that much actual impact on the world!
AOG - // In our free country is he not entitled to voice his opinion on certain matters freely? //

Of course he is, and boy don't we know it.

And the Muslim haters are allowed to voice theirs in exactly the same way, and they do so, in exactly the same way.

That's the problem with free speech, by definition it has to be completely non-selective.

Sadly, that means equal freedom for idiot Iaslamists who spout nasty hateful pointless evil garbage, and idiot attention-seeking self-publicists who do exactly same thing.

Tch, Free Speech, it's such a problem …
AOG - // Then should the media also be stifled in the way some try to stifle Tommy Robinson? //

It's that bloomin' Free Speech again - it's just everywhere!!!
Tambo - // I would rather be a numbskull than follow this despicable woman //

In the same way I don't waste site space condemning Muslim rapists etc., because I like to think that I have been on here long enough for some things just to be taken as read, but since you specifically posted your view -

I am delighted to agree with you.
Of course there are some who confuse free speech with verbal diarrhea. :))
Togo - // Of course there are some who confuse free speech with verbal diarrhea. :)) //

That's no way to talk about 'Tommy Robinson'!!!
since I live far from Rochdale I was ignorant of the scale of abuse there till I came across TR vids.

There are similar cheap asian takeaway outlets near me & I know the staff, who are also disgusted at the Rochdale abuse. They too support TR.
Tambo - // There are similar cheap asian takeaway outlets near me & I know the staff, who are also disgusted at the Rochdale abuse. They too support TR. //

Fortunately, it's not essential to be a supporter of 'Tommy Robinson' in order to be disgusted at the Muslim gangs - all you need is a brain, a heart, and a soul.
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/// 'Tommy' probably lies in bed dreaming of ever being that important, and having that much actual impact on the world! ///

Who mentioned the World? But his concerns have reached far enough for some in the USA to agree with him.
Question Author

/// And the Muslim haters are allowed to voice theirs in exactly the same way, and they do so, in exactly the same way. ///

You call them Muslim haters, some have reason to hate Muslims.

During WW2 we hated all Germans even though they were not all Nazis.

/// Sadly, that means equal freedom for idiot Iaslamists who spout nasty hateful pointless evil garbage, and idiot attention-seeking self-publicists who do exactly same thing. ///

The problem being in their case is the fact that their "nasty hateful pointless evil garbage", goes on to radicalise others to go on and commit very evil deeds.

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