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Equal Pay For Women

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dave50 | 08:55 Wed 24th Oct 2018 | News
108 Answers
How can equal pay be agreed if the men and women are doing different jobs? Surely it's only cut and dried if they are doing the same job. Otherwise it's just a grey area.


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And don't forget you have to bring your bins down to the end of your drive way so the refuse men don't hurt themselves. - Big brave hard men that they are!!
It cant be and it isn't RR.
I don't think you're getting the point.. evident by the hysteria
"How can that be fair or correct?"

you're comparing two completely different jobs. Quality and equity RR...

Maybe we should blame the government for those kind of graded positions.. They're the one who keep cutting nurses pay etc..

In my opinion, a carer should be paid more than a binman. But the fact they're not, is not because one is a man and because one is a woman.

Also as we all know men can be carers and women can be bin men
"Quality and equity"

The only hysteria is yours mate as you seem to be getting your knickers in a twist over women wanting equal rights.
The government did not set the payscale the council did.
you don't want equal rights.. you want carers to be paid the same wage as bin men their is nothing equal about that lol
It can't be easy for a woman to feel get into and feel comfortable in an environemnt which is traditionally very male dominated such as refuse collecting or working on a building site. Similarly men often feel uncomfortable working in certain traditionally female roles- eg nursery care workers where there is sometimes an assumption the men must be paedeophiles.
>you want carers to be paid the same wage as bin men their is nothing equal about that lol
There is if the jobs have been graded at the same level by a job grading scheme which is accepted by management , unions and workers. Job grading schemes have been in place for 40 years plus (and that's just in my memory) in larger organisations, public and private, to ensure fairness and appropriate differentials
"but the refuse collector gets a higher pay than the care assistant because he is male.
How can that be fair or correct?"

It is NOT because they're male.
Yes it is Spath - you refuse to see whats in front of you and what others are telling you
Have you any proof that "binmen" get paid more than "carers" because bin men are mostly male?
And have you evaluated the benefits each job positions can receive if needed?
read the report, spath. This is what the dispute is all about.
The council conceded in January but haven't implemented it
OK you are obviously struggling Spath
They are both at the same point on the payscale
They should both get the same pay
But the binmen get approx. £3 an hour more
Why do YOU think that is - given everything I have just said
"The local authority announced in January that it planned to reach a negotiated settlement to thousands of equal pay claims arising from a pay and conditions scheme introduced more than a decade ago."
I've read the article in the OP.

"Campaigners say the scheme led to workers in female-dominated roles such as catering or cleaning receiving up to £3 an hour less than those in male-dominated areas such as refuse collection."

Where does that say it is because they are male dominated? Where anywhere does it say binmen get paid more than carers specifically because they're men?
Thud. I'm out of here
you know what i'd do? Apply to be a bin man.

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