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Fired For Refusing Poppies?

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mushroom25 | 12:46 Sat 03rd Nov 2018 | News
245 Answers

that's how the headline reads - but it's not how it was reported on TV last night, nor indeed is it said in the text of the article. The police are investigating not the refusal, but threats made after the event. and the driver wasn't dismissed for refusing to transport poppies, but for falsifying his job card.

all very strange, eh?


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LoL.....You have got a bee in your bonnet this evening, TGT.

You are trying to prompt people into defending something that no-one has said. Even retrocop agrees that war is futile....
May I just say that – and not for the first time – I agree with JacktheHat.

And if anyone would like to email me, there is an address on the only question I have ever asked on this site...
no bee just waiting for the explanation, it always banjaxes the pacifists because ultimately they realise that they are a primary cause of war.
well IJKLM perhaps you can tell us what the alternative is to war when an aggressor is threatening invasion.
What are you blathering about, TGT?

This thread has already been successfully hijacked away from the original 'non-delivery of poppies' to 'Pacifists cause war'.....

No-one.....that's said that we should roll over and/or surrender during a time of war; you have made that up in your own head.
several have said war is futile, I ask again, what is the alternative?
If only Aasia Bibi drove a cab.
I don't recall Harry Patch say his war was unjustified but I am sure he would be appalled how his comrades who didn't come back are being discussed on this OP with almost contempt.Kaiser Wilhelm described him and his pals as a 'contemptible little army'.Little would Harry know that he would be regarded as such a hundred years later.
He may have meant 'Pacific Cod War'.
It *is* has said we shouldn't fight one, though.

It is a waste of lives and resources; it causes wholesale death and destruction and renders land unusable for years, depletes reserves of all kinds and then, at the end, the 'leaders' sit themselves around a big table and thrash out the details of what to do next....

Pehaps they ought to do that in the very first instance?
futile means "incapable of producing any useful result" - which is clearly bowlocks. The fact we defended our nation is a useful result or perhaps the "futile" brigade consider that not "useful"!
Harry Patch never said that......I think he said it was 'pointless' and a waste of many fine young men....
"Pehaps they ought to do that in the very first instance? " - yes but they did not did they....
//at the end, the 'leaders' sit themselves around a big table and thrash out the details of what to do next....

Pehaps they ought to do that in the very first instance?//

They never do though do they and that is why we have rememberance day to jog a few memories as to why we mourn it not denigrate it.
Ah, I think we have reached the point in the debate where TGT resorts to bludgeoning all and sundry with false premises and demanding justification for things never said.

Plus ça change............
".I think he said it was 'pointless' and a waste of many fine young men.... " as much as I respect Harry Patch, and I have read his book. The fact is that it's not "pointless" the point is to avoid subjugation by an enemy and unless we can avoid it by negations war is necessary, NOT futile and NOT pointless.
If I may drag us back to the OP …

Before we got side-tracked into the debate about the value or otherwise of warfare, we were debating a taxi driver not delivering poppies.

The debate seems to have polarised on two fronts, and I am assuming that everyone has read the link -

On one side, we have those who accept that there is no actual evidence provided in the original link to suggest either that the driver is, or is not a Muslim, and similarly, that there is no evidence as to why he did not deliver the poppies as directed.

On the other side we have those who have decided that he must be a Muslim, and must have refused to deliver the poppies in order to unsult the nation's war dead, because let's face it, that's the kind of thing any Muslim would do, and he is obviously a Muslim, so he is acting to type.

So, in the interests of returning to the thread - shall we pick it up from there ...
Good Night All
There are those of us who couldn't care what his reasons were, he's a bad taxi driver and I hope the Council at least suspend his licence to ply his trade.
ok andy, I'll take "the other side" in your two choices above.

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