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Fired For Refusing Poppies?

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mushroom25 | 12:46 Sat 03rd Nov 2018 | News
245 Answers

that's how the headline reads - but it's not how it was reported on TV last night, nor indeed is it said in the text of the article. The police are investigating not the refusal, but threats made after the event. and the driver wasn't dismissed for refusing to transport poppies, but for falsifying his job card.

all very strange, eh?


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Corby - // "no evidence, apart from fundamental prejudice on the part of observers"

Why do those posts not fall under the category of "content deemed to be Racist, Intolerant or Bigoted." then? //

I think that differing opinions have to be acceptable, or else the News section would wither and die.

Personally I can accept a view which to me is bigoted and ignorant, and as this debate shows, I have done so.

If I thought someone was seriously out of line in terms of expressing real hatred, then that would be an issue to address.
It's interesting that the contents of the box/es is what has stimulate this mass outcry , of course they symbolise such a lot to us and it feels hurtful.

However if we strip this back down then this driver is rubbish for whatever his reasoning was and indeed his 'persuasion' (as someone put it earlier) , because he falsified his records to the booking office.

As I stated earler, I hope the Council look again at his right to hold a licence to ply his trade.
Well well. The contributors in the link supplied by Webbo certainly think that the driver was muslim.
Togo - // The contributors in the link supplied by Webbo certainly think that the driver was muslim. //

Thinking is free - but thinking something does not make it a fact.

Plenty of people think the earth is flat ...
Mamya - // However if we strip this back down then this driver is rubbish for whatever his reasoning was and indeed his 'persuasion' (as someone put it earlier) , because he falsified his records to the booking office. //

I am happy to agree with the first half of that observation - he has behaved in an unacceptable fashion and failed to complete his duties - but he doesn't have to be a Muslim to do that - and there is no firm indication to support the notions that he is a Muslim, or that being a Muslim made him fail to do his job.

Let's make sure the guy has committed the crime, before he hang him for it, what do you say?
Two sites, wow! This one and another affiliated to the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting.
That's entirely my point Andy, it matters not to me whether this driver is a Muslim or of any other or no religion - he not only refused a fare he falsified his booking record.

A lousy taxi driver.

I am now sick of repeating myself.
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/// and that is if any of those posters who have jumped to conclusions have the cojones to re-visit this post and proffer an apology in the first place. ///

Why would they bother, when there are posters who would class their apologies as being "mealy-mouthed, at best, and full of self-justification at worst...."
A 'proper' unreserved apology would be welcome.
However, I suspect any offered would be full of .... "yeah, well, it was an understandable mistake to make given their previous.....blah....blah....blah..."
AOG - // Why would they bother, when there are posters who would class their apologies as being "mealy-mouthed, at best, and full of self-justification at worst...." //

I think an apology is as much for the benefit of the person offering it, as it is for the recipient.

I have offered apologies on here, which have been roundly rebuffed, but I still feel better knowing I have done the right thing. I cannot control the recipient's reactions, but that is not the entire reason to apologise.
when you've thrown insults at another ABer because you haven't read a thread properly, andy, shouldn't you apologise?
Mamya -// That's entirely my point Andy, it matters not to me whether this driver is a Muslim or of any other or no religion - he not only refused a fare he falsified his booking record.

A lousy taxi driver.

I am now sick of repeating myself. //

I misinterpreted your post - my apologies.
Spicerack - // when you've thrown insults at another ABer because you haven't read a thread properly, andy, shouldn't you apologise? //

If I am in error, history shows I have no problem in apologising - so if 'another AB'er' wishes to bring my 'insults' to my attention, he/she and I can discuss it.
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maggie: 12:29 I posted that link earlier when I asked why a muslim would want to disrespect remembrance of the muslims that fought for Britain.
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I’m off to wait till The Pack finds another invented Bone to snarl over, but first I’d like to say that even as an unrepentant Marxist who thinks the first World War was fought for entirely the wrong (Imperialist) reasons, I thoroughly support the British Legion and the Poppy Day appeal.

As, I am sure, do millions of Muslims.

Lol I won't have to apologise, of course it's a muslim - rant away jth and anybody else who wants to have a pop - do I care, do I heck !
Too true Hereiam…...and the ones who robbed the 84yr old poppy seller were no doubt part of the "travelling community" probably travelled all the way from Eastern Europe. Names that look like the discarded tiles from a game of scrabble.

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