But who would want to replace her ?
Doing a thankless task with everybody a critic .
A dying party and another night of the long knives coming up .
Then if she goes before any finalization on brexit will we have another general election before we leave ?
and what if a new remain party were to form and win enough seats to demand another referendum ?
Why don't we just become the 53rd state of the good ole' US of A ?
if push came to shove i would rather we just get out now and damn the consequences, as to who would take her place, what about Jacob Rees Mogg, he is a Brexiteer and a staunch Tory, not wishy washy and one who could lead us out of this mess we are in
A spoof article, a daft magazine type vote between a handful of participants, and a piece on a satirical website, none of which have any intelligent suggestions. I ask again, why the heck would anyone want to be a US state ? Why would you pose such an insane suggestion ?
The US was once part of the UK, so not as bonkers as it appears. If the choice was between being ruled by Washington or Brussels I would plump for the former.
but it seems such a bad deal, from what everyone is saying, May lied when she said No deal is better than a bad deal, bare faced and she should stand down. I have lost patience with her and her grovelling to the EU.
May demonstrates extreme hubris when she says how she is a 'fighter' (to remain in office) but can't this be levelled at some pretty odious political figures who have stubbornly tried to hang on to power at any cost?
Not Gove, I'd agree, but Mogg or Johnson, and were it posdible, bedt of all Farage, certainly.
How come the Tory's seem to be lacking the necessary backbone to get rid of their leader, who is trying desperately to ruin the state of our nation for decades, maybe centuries, to come ? Surely they've got their 329 letters of no-confidence in by now ?
After all this time, with letter plotting and letter writing, it seems that maybe only roughly half of the “48 letters” have even been sent. That’s what I’d call a “slow burn” revolution which makes the progress of the Brexit negotiations look lightning fast. Even if it ever came to it, to Mrs May would win the vote anyway.
It isn’t just Moggdom that is in fantasyland just now: the Labour Party is “labouring” under the misplaced notions first that there can be a general election and second that were they to win that election, they would be able to renegotiate the deal. That seems pretty much unlikely to me. The EU would probably deliver a postponement of exit day but not with a view to anything more than allowing us to sort ourselves out.
If however the PM can get a definitive clarification next week from them that there can be a few minor tweaks to the Deal but absolutely no renegotiation, it might persuade many Labour MPs (and others) at least to abstain in the vote. And then the deal would have a good chance of making it through the Commons.
It should be Johnson, Mogg, Farage or Gove ata a push. Mainly because Gulliver thinks not. And we all know Gulliver opinions are usually very childish which must mean they are the best candidates.
Although to be fare it can’t be Farage as he isn’t Conservative or an MP. But whoever it is can draft him in to kick but at the EU. I bet they won’t be laughing then.
Last I checked, only 20 letters have gone in calling for VONC since Mogg sent his. Which is peculiar because the ERG is alleged to have about 80 members.
I still wouldn't rule out a VONC but it does rather surprisingly seem to have rather petered out. I wonder if this has anything to do with the Arron Banks investigation.