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Theresa May.

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gulliver1 | 09:38 Sun 12th Nov 2017 | News
47 Answers
Oh Dear Oh Dear . 40 Conservative MPs agree to sign a vote of no Confidence in Theresa May, do you think she May go?.


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No, they are eight short of the required numbe to force a leadership contest
ATM, no one wants the job of PM during brexit.
Gulliver, you seem to be obsessed with Theresa May.
David Cameron couldn't run away fast enough, she got the poisoned chalice, they realise everyone thinks she's a joke but who would take it from her with any credible ability? 'Not I...' says just about every Tory MP going...
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Best thing she can do now is call another General Election
Not another one. :-)
Link please Gulliver !
just a thought,what if Mrs May were to stand up in the commons and say"oh sod this,i'm off" quit her job there and then and go for a long holiday someway far off.could this be done ?
Why not? Cameron did it
Or.......... She could slide out the back door and go visit trump :-)
Who would take on the job?
Some time ago people were joking about having Trump as POTUS and Boris Johnson as PM. It doesn't look like too much of a joke now.

Call an election. Yes, another one ;)
We could always have a referendum?

Sooner taxi drivers and caretakers get to run this country the gooder for all
Yes! I love a referendum. I just wish everyone else would agree with my vote ;) It all goes horribly wrong when they don't.
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Weecalf , 11.04 Thought we already had a caretaker Government !.
Gulliver...we already have that caretaker Government ........its called Mrs May's circus.
gulliver is just obsessed and losing it - look at his Cenotaph remarks - not called.

which Sunday rag have you been reading, gulliver? The Moaning Star perhaps?
Mrs May needs support not criticism...who else will do the job ? better the devil...
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Yes MIKEY 11.33 , With Boris as chief clown.
no i meant just go not resign,walk out on the job

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Theresa May.

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