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Who Said We Aren't Compassionate

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emmie | 13:33 Sat 17th Nov 2018 | News
42 Answers
Children in Need tops overall 1 Billion, that's incredible.


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What do you pay your Chief Executive?

Our Chief Executive’s salary is £130,000.

I have stopped supporting charities after looking into the huge salaries paid.
Question Author
do they get paid then, thought that they would do this for free??
Question Author
i am specifically talking about Cin N.
That is children in need from the BBC website.
Of course they need to be paid. It takes a lot of organising and they still have bills etc to pay.
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still its not a fortune overall. I know that they have bills to pay, not suggesting otherwise,however couldn't they find people who don't need the money to head up this particular charity.
Who doesn't need money?
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that is certainly an eye opener. But with all that the amount children in need has raised is phenomenal.
The salaries just seem disproportionate.
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someone with loads of money already. Some of these salaries are obscene.
Isn't one of the Kinnocks relatives heavily into the charity trough ?
Some people with loads of money might be in a different field.
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ok, isn't it good that CinN raised so much money for such good causes, irrespective of the boss's salary.
It's brilliant. The generosity of the British public never ceases to amaze.
It is good. I only support a cats charity and have joined the postcode lottery which, in turn, supports a wide variety of charities.
There is great compassion and generosity about, most people are very caring.
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i support the RBL, RNLI and others when i am out and about.
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so there is. It gives one hope for the children who need help, that they get it and are deemed better because of the money people give.

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