The BBC project Fear continues apace; what is the purpose of this non-story other than to cause fear and confusion?
All we learn is that the locals are popular and an elderly lady is "worried", no facts of any description.
I haven’t given any unsubstantiated figures about anything, unless you mean the QT stuff which is fact. Even if it sits uncomfortably with your agenda.
//I haven’t given any unsubstantiated figures about anything, unless you mean the QT stuff which is fact.//
What about this?
//in the weeks before the referendum, there were sometimes three Brexit supporters on the QT panel, versus only 2 Remain supporters. In fact each time I happened to see it it was like this.//
Good old Wikipedia appears to come to my aid.
Who doubted they’d have a page listing all the QT panellists from 2016!
A pretty cursory glance through it shows I may be thinking of the editions of April 21 and June 9 (assuming Allison Pearson was on the Brexit side which she certainly has been)
I’m not making a bit issue of it (other than to slap down your insinuation that I am making things up). With 5 panellists these days, and with just about everyone having an opinion on this, it’s almost impossible to balance it.
Like I said above: April 21 and June 9: the latter more tenuously as I can’t say for definite that Allison Pearson was backing “Leave”: of the others I can’t really tell merely by looking at the names. I rarely watch QT, a big reason being I think 5 panellists is too many.
A slightly more obvious example might be the large number of times that Nigel Farage appeared on QT -- far more than might be expected for the leader (then former leader, then leader again, then former leader, then leader again, then former leader) of a party that has commanded at most two seats in Parliament, currently has about 5% support in opinion polls, and... well, the point is that by most measures it's a *little* over-representative...
That June 9 edition was just 2 weeks before the Big Day of course. Indeed Nige who appeared then was a regular guest. I don’t mind that: he’s entertaining. But it does tend to rubbish the facile claim that the BBC wanted to “silence” him and the Brexit case. Fox, Hoey and Tim Martin: that’s 3 Brexit “big hitters” together
The fact that Farage was on there a lot may be because along with Douglas Carswell (who Farage apparently hated more than Jean Claude Juncker) he was one of the few convincing and less embarrassing ukippers. So he may have made sure he was on there as often as possible as their representative. We know he had a pretty poor opinion of much of his own party.
ichi; I concede that, that one panel was Brexiteer weighted - the Beeb probably allowed it because they had no fear that the impending result would be to remain. However once the result was announced (by Dimbleby on TV who nearly **** his pants) Q.T. then went into overdrive to never make that mistake again.