Quizzes & Puzzles29 mins ago
And Once We Welcomed Refugees
Shocking story of Islamophobia/bullying/anti-refugee bone-headedness, not yet mentioned in these columns.
A reminder in case you need one:
https:/ /www.th eguardi an.com/ uk-news /2018/n ov/28/s choolbo y-to-be -charge d-over- hudders field-a ttack-o n-refug ee-15
All this Syrian family want is to live their lives in peace, all their children want is to go to school, in peace.
Once upon a time refugees were welcomed here.
A reminder in case you need one:
All this Syrian family want is to live their lives in peace, all their children want is to go to school, in peace.
Once upon a time refugees were welcomed here.
Let’s safely ignore the first response. It is a sad story but even worse it comes as little surprise. There has always been an anti-immigration element in the country which tends to overshadow the majority which is not. Tolerate the yahoos, pity them and do our best to live sympathetically with all.
We are restricting our EU intake, so why is it people roll up on our doorstep from all over the world alleging they are at risk in their own country. If they keep just walking away from those problems who resolves them. many "lose" their documentation or lie about their ages so what justification do they have to traipse across many safe countries to come here. Our own culture is getting so diluted I`m sure many people feel like a stranger in their own country.