Food & Drink6 mins ago
Boys Can Have Periods Too?
If society didn't go around claiming that individuals can change gender it wouldn't get the nonsense of thinking boys are having periods. The fact that an individual has a period is a massive clue that they are female/ girl/ woman. This society needs to get off its PC nonsense kick, and get back to reality.
16:18 Mon 17th Dec 2018
This is all getting seriously out of hand. Partly because people don't get the difference between sex and gender. Your sex is what you are born as, not assigned as some people like to say, but observed. I used to work as a Midwife and I can assure everybody that we didn't go around saying that today all the babies born between 9 am and 3 pm will be assigned as male, and between 3 and 9 we'll assign them as female. Sex is what you are, depending upon your genetic makeup. I won't go into the intersex argument, this is not what happens normally.
Gender is what society deems to be the proper 'way of being' depending upon whether you are male or female. Just a societal construct in fact. And hereby lies a problem. Just because you are a male child, but just happen to like dolls and prams (as my son did for a while), and indeed princess dresses, does not mean you are a girl. Or, if you are a girl and are a little grub in overalls and wellingtons digging in the mud with your dad (as my grand-daughter did for a while as a child), does not mean you must be a girl in my son's case, and boy in my grand-daughter's case. If their parents had been concerned that either of them might, oh dear, be 'gay', then how much better is it to encourage them into the opposite sex, which they are not and can never be. And indeed both of them grew up into normal male and female adults.
Male to female transgender people, who are taking female hormones in order to transition, may get pre menstrual symptoms from said hormones, but they cannot, absolutely cannot have a period, which by definition is the breakdown of the uterine lining after it is no longer needed for an implanted embryo. Males whether transitioning or not, do not have uteri, and so far as I can remember do not ever have implanted, or non implanted embryos.
As for being called out as 'transphobic' for stating biological facts, then I really think we are in danger of collectively losing our minds.
Gender is what society deems to be the proper 'way of being' depending upon whether you are male or female. Just a societal construct in fact. And hereby lies a problem. Just because you are a male child, but just happen to like dolls and prams (as my son did for a while), and indeed princess dresses, does not mean you are a girl. Or, if you are a girl and are a little grub in overalls and wellingtons digging in the mud with your dad (as my grand-daughter did for a while as a child), does not mean you must be a girl in my son's case, and boy in my grand-daughter's case. If their parents had been concerned that either of them might, oh dear, be 'gay', then how much better is it to encourage them into the opposite sex, which they are not and can never be. And indeed both of them grew up into normal male and female adults.
Male to female transgender people, who are taking female hormones in order to transition, may get pre menstrual symptoms from said hormones, but they cannot, absolutely cannot have a period, which by definition is the breakdown of the uterine lining after it is no longer needed for an implanted embryo. Males whether transitioning or not, do not have uteri, and so far as I can remember do not ever have implanted, or non implanted embryos.
As for being called out as 'transphobic' for stating biological facts, then I really think we are in danger of collectively losing our minds.
I am not sure that world history and far flung cultures serves as a good example and the majority of modern western man are not interested.....for better or for worse.
We have come to the stage where a given sex individual, at a young age decides he or she is transgender and with the minimum of factual support......accepts this.
Can't you see the problem here?
I am not sure that world history and far flung cultures serves as a good example and the majority of modern western man are not interested.....for better or for worse.
We have come to the stage where a given sex individual, at a young age decides he or she is transgender and with the minimum of factual support......accepts this.
Can't you see the problem here?
In my opinion, children who, for whatever reason, and whoever is encouraging them, should not be allowed to delay puberty, and be medicated towards them transitioning to a different sex. This, frankly, is I believe tantamount to abuse. Once said person reaches adulthood, then it is up to them what they do.
So far as I can see, if you are male, and like the ways of being that you perceive as being female, and vice versa, then go ahead. But that does not make you the other sex no matter what you think. And if you are male, it certainly does not make it possible for you to have a period. And speaking as a female, why on earth would you want to!!
So far as I can see, if you are male, and like the ways of being that you perceive as being female, and vice versa, then go ahead. But that does not make you the other sex no matter what you think. And if you are male, it certainly does not make it possible for you to have a period. And speaking as a female, why on earth would you want to!!
The real problem in general understanding is the demand – and we hear it often - that the world acknowledge some women to be men and vice versa, when in reality these are people with a problem. As hard for them as it may be - and I do have sympathy - whatever they are, they are not what they claim to be and what supporters tell them they are. Nothing will ever change them into what they want to be. Quite wrong to involve other children as a matter of course in such a complex issue – in my opinion.
naomi24 i entirely agree. I do think that both boys and girls should be taught about menstruation, as a biological issue, for that is what it is. female bodies persons have the potential to menstruate, male bodies persons cannot. gender simply does not come into it.
any boy, or girl who cannot be comfortable as whichever sex they are, biologically, then yes there is some kind of psychological problem for which they need help. puberty and pre-puberty are confusing enough times in a child's life anyway, and this kind of pressure from people, who i believe have their own agenda is simply unacceptable. For those in authority to be buying into this is ridiculous. everybody is so concerned about being labelled trans phobic, when they are nothing of the sort.
we seem to be losing sight and understanding of what science is. Of what biology is, and to give children the idea that you can be any sex you like is plain wrong. your biology is what your biology is.
you can certainly behave in the manner you perceive the opposite sex behaves, although sometimes i do wonder how males come to the conclusion about how females behave that they do. because they are way out as far as most females are concerned.
as an adult, you can go the whole way and do the full transition, and live in your preferred 'gender'. but that still does not change your biology and as long as that's accepted there is nothing wrong with it. i too feel a great deal of sympathy with those individuals who genuinely have a problem but what is going on now is far more than that. Adults are free to live their lives in the way that suits them best, but to drag children into this is not on. Most kids that are confused about how they fit into this highly gendered world we live in usually work it out once they become adults. Those that can't should have access to all the help they need.
any boy, or girl who cannot be comfortable as whichever sex they are, biologically, then yes there is some kind of psychological problem for which they need help. puberty and pre-puberty are confusing enough times in a child's life anyway, and this kind of pressure from people, who i believe have their own agenda is simply unacceptable. For those in authority to be buying into this is ridiculous. everybody is so concerned about being labelled trans phobic, when they are nothing of the sort.
we seem to be losing sight and understanding of what science is. Of what biology is, and to give children the idea that you can be any sex you like is plain wrong. your biology is what your biology is.
you can certainly behave in the manner you perceive the opposite sex behaves, although sometimes i do wonder how males come to the conclusion about how females behave that they do. because they are way out as far as most females are concerned.
as an adult, you can go the whole way and do the full transition, and live in your preferred 'gender'. but that still does not change your biology and as long as that's accepted there is nothing wrong with it. i too feel a great deal of sympathy with those individuals who genuinely have a problem but what is going on now is far more than that. Adults are free to live their lives in the way that suits them best, but to drag children into this is not on. Most kids that are confused about how they fit into this highly gendered world we live in usually work it out once they become adults. Those that can't should have access to all the help they need.
Think about it. Who is setting the school syllabus? An amalgamation of oddballs and P.I.E.?
"Universities now concentrate on ethnic studies, women's studies, transgender studies, and Marxist-politicized versions of sociology and psychology, while sneering at maths, physics, and engineering. Meanwhile, they blame our school's humiliatingly low test scores and Third World rates of illiteracy on "racism," "poverty," "white privilege," "toxic masculinity," and every other fashionable "outrage" the Left can dream up to justify their illogical lunacy and deflect the real reason for the declining illiteracy amongst our children and young adults. The fact that their own policies and curriculum are the cause."
Ever heard of the Frankfurt "School?"
""The Frankfurt School has been active since the 1920's.
They devised strategies by which the destruction of the West could quickly and effectively take place: “To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.""
"Universities now concentrate on ethnic studies, women's studies, transgender studies, and Marxist-politicized versions of sociology and psychology, while sneering at maths, physics, and engineering. Meanwhile, they blame our school's humiliatingly low test scores and Third World rates of illiteracy on "racism," "poverty," "white privilege," "toxic masculinity," and every other fashionable "outrage" the Left can dream up to justify their illogical lunacy and deflect the real reason for the declining illiteracy amongst our children and young adults. The fact that their own policies and curriculum are the cause."
Ever heard of the Frankfurt "School?"
""The Frankfurt School has been active since the 1920's.
They devised strategies by which the destruction of the West could quickly and effectively take place: “To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.""
"Male to female transgender people, who are taking female hormones in order to transition, may get pre menstrual symptoms from said hormones, but they cannot, absolutely cannot have a period..."
Yes, no dispute there. But we're talking about female-to-male transgender people, ie "girls" who are now "boys", rather than the other way round.
Yes, no dispute there. But we're talking about female-to-male transgender people, ie "girls" who are now "boys", rather than the other way round.
Just to say that I agree that people shouldn't jump on the bandwagon and embrace wholesale changes to their identity, and perhaps even to their biology to match, without some care and thought. The catch is that insisting that people must wait until adulthood is often, by definition, "too late" for many people, who will then have undergone physical changes that are counter to their sense of self. Transpeople who have transitioned later in life are, as a rule, far more clearly trans than a transperson who was able to address their gender dysphoria far earlier. How does one resolve this, if on the one hand you require people to wait and on the other hand the earlier the better?
But then, I'm not sure why the need to make people wait. As long as it is the individual's personal and considered decision, and not something that has been forced on them by familial or societal pressure, then why should they not be free to make that decision? The usual guidance for trans children is to avoid reversible treatment until they are absolutely ready, which is sensible, but there are ways to delay puberty that can be helpful in allowing a person to be comfortable in their body.
But then, I'm not sure why the need to make people wait. As long as it is the individual's personal and considered decision, and not something that has been forced on them by familial or societal pressure, then why should they not be free to make that decision? The usual guidance for trans children is to avoid reversible treatment until they are absolutely ready, which is sensible, but there are ways to delay puberty that can be helpful in allowing a person to be comfortable in their body.
It's not that they don't get it, iloveglee; it's that they don't agree with the attempt to differentiate the two words. That said your definition seems to be a third option. Most PC folk seem to claim gender is what you feel you are rather than what society thinks right. But in any case, as far as male/female definitions are concerned, many consider it right that "sex" and "gender" remain synonymous, as there is no need to give one a different meaning to that which we all learnt and agree with.
I thought a compassionate society, but one with its head screwed on, would choose to treat mental illness rather than encourage it.
Head or heart have gone astray here, then. The "success" the encouragers of the latest dangerous fad have had is proved by the number of referrals of the very young to specialist to medical transition specialists. The long term (and irreversible) harm which will[i be done to many - probably [i]most] - of these children is incalculable. But you can't make a Utopia ()any more than an omelette) without cracking a few eggs.
The propagandists (this includes the whole of the educational establishment) and practicioners engaged in promoting and profiting from the transitioning industry are promoting something profoundly evil.
Head or heart have gone astray here, then. The "success" the encouragers of the latest dangerous fad have had is proved by the number of referrals of the very young to specialist to medical transition specialists. The long term (and irreversible) harm which will[i be done to many - probably [i]most] - of these children is incalculable. But you can't make a Utopia ()any more than an omelette) without cracking a few eggs.
The propagandists (this includes the whole of the educational establishment) and practicioners engaged in promoting and profiting from the transitioning industry are promoting something profoundly evil.
The good news (given that even the most extreme gender-fluid types accept that most people "identify" gender-wise with their biological sex) is that the important issues with all its nuances are understood by those who have done the research and have a comprehensive grasp of the moral and societal implications of transitioning.
It was a model anticipated two and a half thousand years ago in Plato's Republic, although that model went a necessary stage further than anything suggested thus far by the tranisionists. Basically you rear society's children n a commune and have their welfare and future use to society determined by experts. This has the added benefit that children aren't brought up by and exposed to the taint of the kind of bigots who voted Brexit.
It was a model anticipated two and a half thousand years ago in Plato's Republic, although that model went a necessary stage further than anything suggested thus far by the tranisionists. Basically you rear society's children n a commune and have their welfare and future use to society determined by experts. This has the added benefit that children aren't brought up by and exposed to the taint of the kind of bigots who voted Brexit.