Food & Drink0 min ago
Snap Election Anyone?
Rumours of a General Election on 28th February. Could be fun.
"A General Election could be about to take place.
Three Cabinet Ministers and a further six junior Ministers have instructed their local Associations to prepare for a snap election, according to the New Statesman.
They report that four of them have named 28th February as a possible date. This could move fast.
This coincides with a separate report in the Daily Mail, that the civil service have been told to get ready and draw up plans for a sudden election. Both reports came within hours of each other, is something up?"
https:/ /www.we stmonst rumours -swirl- of-snap -electi on-on-t he-card s1/
"A General Election could be about to take place.
Three Cabinet Ministers and a further six junior Ministers have instructed their local Associations to prepare for a snap election, according to the New Statesman.
They report that four of them have named 28th February as a possible date. This could move fast.
This coincides with a separate report in the Daily Mail, that the civil service have been told to get ready and draw up plans for a sudden election. Both reports came within hours of each other, is something up?"
"Trying to force it on the UK by voting down all deals, and refusing to hold votes on any alternatives , cannot be regarded as democratic." It can be because no discussed deals so far come close to a true exit, so can not be democratical ly opted for. And voting on anything that doesn't supply an exit can not be democratic either. The decision was given, the method...
21:10 Sat 19th Jan 2019
"Negotiate a deal that will ensure we can trade freely with Europe NJ."
“Negotiate a deal that will ensure we can trade freely with Europe NJ.”
Lots of countries outside the EU trade freely with those in it, Maggie. More freely than the UK does, in fact, because it does not cost them £10bn per annum. But further than that, apart from Whisky, what exactly does Scotland have that the EU will be so eager to do a trade deal? Or are you thinking of the freedom to buy some of the goods the EU sells that generate an £80bn trade surplus with the UK. You don't need the EU's agreement to do that. European exporters (led by Germany, who are responsible for half that surplus) will be knocking on your door.
“Negotiate a deal that will ensure we can trade freely with Europe NJ.”
Lots of countries outside the EU trade freely with those in it, Maggie. More freely than the UK does, in fact, because it does not cost them £10bn per annum. But further than that, apart from Whisky, what exactly does Scotland have that the EU will be so eager to do a trade deal? Or are you thinking of the freedom to buy some of the goods the EU sells that generate an £80bn trade surplus with the UK. You don't need the EU's agreement to do that. European exporters (led by Germany, who are responsible for half that surplus) will be knocking on your door.
I think you're right, JD (at least as far as a GE goes, anyway. I'm not so sure about leaving on 29/3). An election will solve nothing (apart from providing further delay). Neither main party can agree on a way forward; neither of them will agree to the EU's deal; neither of them will countenance "No Deal". So quite what asking voters to elect another bunch of people filled with equal ineptitude will achieve is anybody's guess.
Crikey Jim! Just as well you don’t have a hand in any future referendum. Coming from a crooked third world regime your plan wouldn’t go amiss. Give the people a vote, don’t like the result, so give them an option of two choices, neither of which they voted for in the first place and neither of which they want – and call it democracy.
Stuff and nonsense, Naomi. You may have wanted No Deal all along, but, as we've clearly seen by now, Parliament will -- quite reasonably, given the economic risks -- block it, if only they have a say. Return to the people, on the other hand, and you either repeat the first question, or ensure that as many options for going forward are explored as possible.
I answered you honestly, and I appreciate that my proposals may need some tweaking, but it's a sad reflection of your own view of the situation if you think that simply forcing No Deal through is any better, or any more democratic. It is manifestly not.
I answered you honestly, and I appreciate that my proposals may need some tweaking, but it's a sad reflection of your own view of the situation if you think that simply forcing No Deal through is any better, or any more democratic. It is manifestly not.
Consider this.
""Article 50 is the legal mechanism for leaving the European Union, which states that if the UK does not forge a withdrawal agreement, the UK will leave the EU on March 29th and trade with the bloc on World Trade Organization (WTO) terms.
Cross-party Remainers have been attempting in the past weeks to bloc a clean, WTO exit, with efforts intensifying after Prime Minister Theresa May’s unpopular Withdrawal Agreement was voted down on Tuesday.""
///which states that if the UK does not forge a withdrawal agreement, the UK will leave the EU on March 29th and trade with the bloc on World Trade Organization (WTO) terms.///!!!!!!!!!
Now which part of those lines are disputable? To enable the further drawing out and subsequent stall of the process we have seen all sorts of slight of hand conducted by the EUSSR fanatics and willing vassals. All that can truly stop it is a crash the "World as we know it"[Jim :))]call for a GE by the Remainiacs as a last resort. I would not bet against it.
""Article 50 is the legal mechanism for leaving the European Union, which states that if the UK does not forge a withdrawal agreement, the UK will leave the EU on March 29th and trade with the bloc on World Trade Organization (WTO) terms.
Cross-party Remainers have been attempting in the past weeks to bloc a clean, WTO exit, with efforts intensifying after Prime Minister Theresa May’s unpopular Withdrawal Agreement was voted down on Tuesday.""
///which states that if the UK does not forge a withdrawal agreement, the UK will leave the EU on March 29th and trade with the bloc on World Trade Organization (WTO) terms.///!!!!!!!!!
Now which part of those lines are disputable? To enable the further drawing out and subsequent stall of the process we have seen all sorts of slight of hand conducted by the EUSSR fanatics and willing vassals. All that can truly stop it is a crash the "World as we know it"[Jim :))]call for a GE by the Remainiacs as a last resort. I would not bet against it.
I must admit that I have been (pleasantly) surprised that at least views and opinions have been exchanged without rancour, in the most part, on the thread. One aberration(a word made for the site if ever there was) is all thus far. Bit of a record considering the set jaws and steely eyes that are often deployed. (^_*)
Jim, //implying that I'd be more at home in a third-world corrupt regime.//
You’re at it again. I didn’t say that. I said //Coming from a crooked third world regime your plan wouldn’t go amiss.//
You're currently making concerted efforts over two threads (that I know of) to put the boot in, so you carry on. I'll leave you to it for now.
You’re at it again. I didn’t say that. I said //Coming from a crooked third world regime your plan wouldn’t go amiss.//
You're currently making concerted efforts over two threads (that I know of) to put the boot in, so you carry on. I'll leave you to it for now.