Actually, why on earth not, Baldric? AmI the only one to remember the incident?
When the Sandringham crash was reported I did immediately think back to the one in 1964 and compared the difference in showing the Land Rover in situ. Back in 1964 I suspect the only people who carried their cameras with them (unless on holiday) were twitchers.
Social media did not exist then and we had to rely on press coverage, either in the papers or on the television/radio news. I clearly remember seeing Philip's car being transported along public roads and we wondered why the need for such secrecy by shrouding the vehicle. Would it have shown how close the Queen had come to being injured? I believe we didn't get to know the make/model of Philip's car.
Seeing that video I wonder what happened to the provisional licence holder and unaccompanied Mr Cooper. No insurance payout for him I suspect.