Quizzes & Puzzles7 mins ago
Where were you and what were you doing when...
1) Pope John Paul II died on April 2nd 2005:
Answer: Watching Casualty on BBC 1 at home, which featured one of the characters, who was just as ill and couldn't be revived, although the character was a young child and was not as old as the Pope.
2) The Queen Mother died on March 30th 2002:
Answer: Listening to Pick of the Pops on BBC Radio Two, when Dale Winton was playing the top ten of that week of 1984 at home. Depeche Mode's "People Are People" had been playing around about the same time that she passed away, (approximately 3.15 pm), although her death wasn't officially announced publicly by Buckingham Palace until about three hours later when I was watching a repeat of "Steptoe and Son" on BBC 2 and the programme was interrupted with the breaking news.
3) The Twin Towers was bombed in America on September 11th 2001:
Answer: Shopping for a black "deckchair" style director's chair for an upstairs room at the Index Catalogue shop in Nottingham City Centre. I got home at about 4.30 pm to find that instead of the scheduled children's television programmes, on BBC1 and ITV, pictures of American buildings engulfed in a ball of flames and aircraft crashing into them.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.4) Diana, Princess of Wales died on August 31st 1997:
Answer: Ironically listening to BBC Radio Five Live in Bed. I always left the radio on when I went to bed, so I could listen to it again when I get up. The bad news must have waked me up when I heard on the radio at about 4.30 am and I probably thought that it was part of a dream. After about ten minutes I knew that it wasn't a dream and once I got up I couldn't get back to bed again and put the television on to be met by similar newsflashes.
5) The start of the third millennium on January 1st 2000:
Answer: Celebrating in the kitchen with a small bottle of champagne left over from my 18th birthday in 1996, as well as a couple of shepherd's pies in the oven. The ITV coverage was being recorded on the video in the front room. Back then the Millennium Bug was just the least of my worries...
6) The Omagh bomb exploded in Northern Ireland on August 15th 1998:
Answer: I am not too sure what I was doing the very moment the bomb went off, but I got to meet television presenter Richard Bacon, who was presenting Blue Peter back then. I met him about midday on August 15th 1998 and I managed to have my picture taken with him when he arrived to celebrate the opening of a clothes shop in Nottingham City Centre. If that wasn't enough of a claim to fame, then Richard was sacked from the children's television show later on that year after tabloid reports of cocaine abuse. It was a sheer fluke that I met him after what had happened a few months later.
7) The infamous hurricane on October 16th 1987:
Answer: Being blown about all over the place on the way to school, while when I finally got there I heard rumours that there was no electricity working in the classrooms. I was in bed by the time Michael Fish came on with his infamous forecast.
Answer: I was in Derby, trying to get a 110 reprint from a photograph processing shop. Their Nottingham branch didn't have the service available, so they said that their nearest store that did them was in Derby. The sky meanwhile didn't get dark enough for the eclipse as I was far way from the south west, but it did get slightly darker, but not too dark, just like a late afternoon autumn sky. We didn't see much of the eclipse in Nottingham or Derby, I am afraid.
9) Prince Charles announces his engagement to Camilla Parker Bowles on February 10th 2005:
Answer: Listening to Mike Parr's breakfast show on BBC Radio Newcastle. I don't live anywhere near Newcastle, so obviously I listened to the station from Nottingham live on the Internet.
10) Pope Benedict XVI becomes the 265th Pope on April 19th 2005:
Answer: Just got home after visiting Nottingham Central Library. After turning to the BBC News website on my computer at about 6.00 pm, or just before that time was when I first heard about the news. It was the first time in my living memory that I had experienced this, as Pope John Paul II became Pope when I was only about two months old. It was a unique experience and it was exciting to see the new Pope on television on the balcony of the Vatican waving to the thousands of people in St Peter's Square.
Now, it's over to you! I'll stop answering my own questions, now!
1) Pope John Paul II died on April 2nd 2005:
Was constantly channel-hopping on TV looking for the latest news updates or newsflashes about his condition. I found the first announcement of his death on Channel 5 news at 9pm.
2) The Queen Mother died on March 30th 2002:
Was watching "Points of View" on BBC1 when it was interrupted by Peter Sissons.
3) The Twin Towers was bombed in America on September 11th 2001:
Was listening to the radio when the presenter interrupted to say that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Centre building in New York. I wasn't quite aware of how big the building was, and I assumed that it was probably a small plane with one or two people on board. I went and switched on the TV to get news about it, but Neighbours was on. By the time Neighbours finished and the news reprot came on, the second plane had already hit the second tower.
4) Diana, Princess of Wales died on August 31st 1997:
I had just come out of the bathroom (1am) and switched on the radio to hear a report that she had been injured in an accident. I went downstairs to watch for news on TV. For the next 4 hours there were all sorts of rumours and titbits of information flying about, so it was very emotional and cliff-hangy to get information. At about 3am there was an erronious report saying that she had broken her arm but had been seen getting out of the wreckage and walking around. At that point, I thought "OK, that's fine because she's only slightly injured and will not die. I'll just wait a few more minutes until this news is confirmed, and then I'll go to bed."
5) The start of the third millennium on January 1st 2000:
I was not doing anything at the start of the third millennium on 1st January 2000, because the third millennium started on 1st January 2001.
6) Omagh bomb Can't remember specifically
7) The infamous hurricane on October 16th 1987:
Woke up in the middle of the night to find a power cut. I went downstairs to get a candle to check on things, and went back to bed. A tree had fallen over in our front garden and almost blocked the front door and porch. My sister managed to sleep through the whole thing, got up, had breakfast, and got ready to walk the dog without noticing anything. She got a big surprise when she opened the front door and said "Oh!" at the sight of a tree in the porch.
8) The Eclipse on August 11th 1999:
Went to Brighton beach (98.9% totality) rather than staying in London (97.5% totality). It was a bit surreal because it got noticeably darker and colder, and the birds started squawking as if it was bedtime. Ironically, my friend who lived in Brighton was not able to meet me because he went to Cornwall to see it - and missed it because of the clouds!
9) Prince Charles's engagement to Camilla PB Hooray!
10) Pope Benedict XVI becomes the 265th Pope on April 19th 2005:
Saw it on the 6 o'clock news on BBC1.
September 11th 2001
I was at home packing up all of my stuff ready to move house the following day. Decided to give myself a break and watch neighbours and the end of the news. As I switched on the TV the first plane had just hit and the news was being extended. As I watched the debate was that in all likelihood there had been an horrific accident - then the second plane came into view...
I basically watched TV for the rest of the afternoon as the pentagon was hit and the other plane came down. The most frightening thing was that the newsreaders and reporters whom you usually see so emotionless and unflappable in all situations looked truly scared and there was an air of everything being out of control. An hour or so later the professional faces were back on...
9 september...???????
Princess diana's death...i was in bed trying to cope with a hangover from the night before, when i switched on the tv, about 7am sunday morning.
OMAGH BOMB..Playing football for my local side, that saturday afternoon..
SEPT 11.at work talking to a colleague when it came on the radio....
1) I honestly can't remember, I must have been studying!
2) I don't know.
3) At work, and we didn't have a radio/TV, so I got mysterious texts, friends calling and coming by, and didn't really have a clue what happened until I came home and did nothing but stare at the TV for the rest of the evening.
4) In a bus, I met a friend who told me, and I didn't believe me.
5) Had to much to drink and slept in some new, very blue, bedding in my friends apartment. Woke up looking like a Smurf because she hadn't washed it before using it.
6) Don't know
7) Can't remember if that one hit Denmark too
8) I was in my last year of high school, and the whole school were outside watching it
9) Don't know
10) At home
The 2 I remember, and will stay with me for the rest of my life are Princess Diana being killed and September 11th.
My brother woke me to tell me the news about Princess Di. I really thought I was dreaming. It was very upsetting and I got very annoyed in later months with everyone saying it was mass hysteria and totally over the top.
September 11th - this was 2 days before I started my first proper job (I had just finished Uni), and I was filled with hope and excited about the future. I made lunch, put the tele on to watch Neighbours, and thought I had got the wrong channel showing some kind of disaster movie.
I thought it must be a terrible accident. Even when the 2nd plane hit. I still can't believe people can be that evil.
My mum's a teacher and I had to pick her up from the school that day. Of course all the teachers had been in class that afternoon so had no idea, and it was horrible telling everyone and seeing their faces of sheer disbelief.
The school hall had a TV and we all stood in there watching the towers collapse.
Thinking about it now I can still feel the terror, panic and despair.
Like I said, it'll stay with me forever.
Checking into a hotel on the volcanic Greek island of Santorini, overlooking the crater. The television at reception was showing images of the Pentagon, and the news ticker indicated a bomb threat at the Capitol. But the receptionist just went on and on about something terrible happening in New York. It was only when we got to our room that we worked out what was actually going on.
These were some of the ugliest pictures I have ever seen on TV, yet just outside our room we had one of the most breathtaking views in the whole of the Mediterranean. The contrast is something I will never forget.
1) Don't remember
2) Don't remember , but I remember the funeral as the hearse drove right past my house on the A4
3) Glued to Sky News all day
4) Coming home from a all night rave, trashed and trying to read the Paper (I never usually buy newspapers"
5) First New Years Eve I have NOT been out since my usual place was charging �60 entry instead of the usual �8!!
6)Don't remember
7)The hurricane HA Oct 16 is my birthday and it was ruined
8) Overslept, woke up during it, thought it was still the middle of night and went back to slep
9) Don't rem
10) Don't rem
JFK shot: Don't remember the actual news, as I was three years old at the time; I do remember his funeral being on TV and pre-empting the cartoons I usually watched.
Neil Armstrong on the Moon: At home, watching in on TV.
Princess Diana's death: Was playing an online trivia game in a chatroom when someone typed "Princess Di's been in a car accident. Looks bad." I went and turned the TV on and watched the story unfold.
Queen Mum's death: Read about it online. Same with Charles' engagement to Camilla.
WTC bombing: Woke up, sat down to check my email as I always do. The front page of AOL mentioned a plane had hit the WTC. I thought it was a little Cessna or something. Husband turned on CNN; at that time only the first plane had hit, and there was still a lot of confusion as to what was going on.
1) Pope John Paul II died on April 2nd 2005:
Nothing out of the ordinary. Didn't give enough of a toss to bother checking.
2) The Queen Mother died on March 30th 2002:
Nothing out of the ordinary. Didn't give enough of a toss to bother checking.
3) The Twin Towers was bombed in America on September 11th 2001:
At work. I spent most of the afternoon on Popbitch. All the news services were jammed and popbitch is staffed by hacks, so they were getting news before virtually any other UK source.
4) Diana, Princess of Wales died on August 31st 1997:
Suffering with a hangover.
5) The start of the third millennium on January 1st 2000:
Having a typically rubbish new year feeling forced into feeling jolly with over priced booze and far too many people in the pub. More recently, I've gone to dinner with friends and have enjoyed them immensely. Nothing to do with the date, though!
6) Omagh bomb
Don't recall.
7) The infamous hurricane on October 16th 1987:
I remember my mate Stuart cycling up the road at an angle of 45 degrees.
8) The Eclipse on August 11th 1999:
Was on a job in central London. Went into a small square to watch it.
9) Prince Charles's engagement to Camilla
No idea exactly when this happened. Couldn't care less.
10) Pope Benedict XVI becomes the 265th Pope on April 19th 2005:
Nothing much. Didn't really care about that either!
September 11th.....one of only two I remember.. I was on my lunch at work, watching TV as usual and watching BBC/Neighbours when news flash came on, I watched the footage of the first plane and then saw live (I think it was) the second plane hit the other tower.
I ran back into the office to tell everyone - although me being thick, I had never heard of the World Trade Centre. Loads of others had and all rushed down to the staff room to watch the footage on the BBC.
Princess Diana's death...my mate owned a newsagents and we used to 'squat' in the flat above. His radio alarm came on at 5:00am to get us up to do the morning papers, and the first words I remember hearing were 'The Princess of Wales has died' and I said to my friend 'What did he just say?'.....from then on it was obvious what had happened, all the newspapers were late so they could cover the terrible news and all the radio/TV stations were giving out what info they had.