Stop worrying Brexiteers. The cavalry is coming to sweep the entrenched, moribund, handwringer from the field.
//The huge opportunities of a clean break and a No Deal Brexit have been revealed today, with the government confirming plans to slash trade tariffs. That means cheaper goods for British consumers.
An EU exit on WTO terms would mean the British government could act unilaterally, truly taking back control. Sadly a Remainer Parliament looks set to vote down No Deal tonight, killing the UK’s negotiating hand.
Under the government’s plans, 87% of all goods would face no tariffs at all and would fall to zero. The 13% maintaining tariffs would include cars, beef and dairy in order to “support farmers and producers who have historically been protected through high EU tariffs”.
Trade Minister George Hollingbery has said: “If we leave without a deal, we will set the majority of our import tariffs to zero, while maintaining tariffs for the most sensitive industries.
“This balanced approach will help to support British jobs and avoid potential price spikes that would hit the poorest households the hardest.”
And the Department for International Trade have said: “The tariff changes mean the majority of UK households, consumers and businesses will face no additional charges on products imported from the EU.
“The new tariffs will come into force as soon as we leave the EU – only if we leave with No Deal. They will apply for up to 12 months while we consult consumers & businesses on future tariffs.”
Sounds very much like taking back control to us. It is shameful that Remainer MPs will now seek to block such an outcome.//