//Mrs May, her cronies, and the rest of the disingenuous, unprincipled Remainers have brought this nation to shame. RIP democracy//
Because the unprincipled Brexit voters have ruined this country all ready - lets face it most had no idea what they were voting for other than 'immigration' and most of the immigrants don't even come from Europe - they are the ones that sunk this country not the remainers!
I’m truly gobsmacked that anyone is applauding this. They’ll get what they want this time but what about the next time when it could be their vote that is so blatantly and so shabbily overridden? Are they really sure that’s what they want?
ag, People whose understanding of the wish of the majority of the electorate to leave the EU is limited to 'immigration' are best ignored. There's no rational discussion to be had there.
Let's face it everyone had loads of information fired at them about exiting the EU, even if decades of being in it hadn't already convinced them; so they were well aware of the goal they were voting for even if they couldn't forecast how badly the EU would react and the details. It's just a remainer's fantasy that those who didn't agree with them had no idea what they were voting for other than 'immigration', but if it makes them feel better, then fine.