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Exciting Isn't It?

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-Talbot- | 15:55 Wed 20th Mar 2019 | News
116 Answers
Can't wait for the next Brexit surprise....what could it be?


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//Having said that, Mr Tusk’s response yesterday is not absolutely final I would hazard. //

Haha! So much for their complacency.
You see?
You are happy to believe what you want lol.
I wouldn’t bet on the EU relenting. Us staying longer than May or June will really mess things up.
The start of the trade talks should be interesting...
It is all in our hands, make sure you don't vote for any of these present politicians at the next election.
Sadly people will still vote DUP matter what. And they know it. That’s half the problem.
As I’ve said before our parliament merely reflects our people: divided over Brexit and with no one solution commanding a majority. In a way that is actually a good thing. It’s actually democracy. Which is always messy. There are few crises like these in autocracies.
Ichkeria, //You are happy to believe what you want lol. //

No, I'm realistic. When an opposing negotiator declares 'Leave the EU and we’ll make your lives a misery', any rational human being would rightly conclude that the UK's departure is not to the EU's liking. Complacent they are not.
I can vote for my present MP, AOG. They've consistently voted correctly in Brexit votes so far. Just the issue of what to do if the Brexit party fields a candidate here.
It’s my turn to ask “when did they say that”?
The last two years and more have been spent trying to cushion the blow of leaving the EU as much as possible. And now we’ve turned round and said we don’t want it to be easy. The response from the EU reflects not “complacency” (??) but sheer exasperation.
After May's announcement, or rather diatribe last night I would imagine that she has scuppered any chance of getting any co-operation from the commons.
Surely never had a chance anyway.

It's ridiculous to claim they're complacent. We're a net contributor. They want our money.
We are a net contributor, it is true, but the EU will survive without our money. Anyone listening to what top diplomats are saying will soon realise that they are moving closer and closer to ending this process, because the ongoing uncertainty that long delays bring is far more damaging to the EU than the loss of a net contributor.

The hope that the EU will "blink" and capitulate to our demands is, and always has been, forlorn.
//The hope that the EU will "blink" and capitulate to our demands is, and always has been, forlorn. //

That is not something I hope for. Like other Brexiters here, I want out. Right out.
It may never have been your intention, but it is very clearly that of many of those MPs supporting Brexit in Parliament.
Suppose we could shoot Cameron, or Farage , or even Boris because all three of them are Liars, and caused all this Mayhem.
As I said earlier, integrity has been relegated to the trash can.
I'm talking about people like Andrew Bridgen, who has twice voted against May's withdrawal Agreement, and spoke of using the threat of No Deal as one that the UK needs "to bring the EU to heel".

If he had integrity he wouldn’t be talking about ‘bringing the EU to heel'. He’d have been championing, honestly, the result of the referendum.
An interesting point -- although if even the most extreme Brexit supporters in Parliament *still* don't seem to be honouring the result of the referendum, in your eyes, then I'd venture to such that it was always impossible to honour the result, no matter the politicians in charge.
//I'd venture to such that it was always impossible to honour the result, no matter the politicians in charge. //

Venture as you will, but you're mistaken.

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