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If Theresa May Steps Aside This Week ...

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ichkeria | 11:45 Sun 24th Mar 2019 | News
65 Answers
... as seems quite likely at the moment, who would you like to see/who do you think would be
the best bet as caretaker PM?


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A very nice left wing friend of mine who works in the Civil Service has always said the one person he dreads getting the job of PM for the Cons is Gove because he has brains, is clever, charming, and would be good at it. This from a staunch left winger who works with these people at the highest level. I've mentioned him before on here, he strongly disliked May saying...
14:42 Sun 24th Mar 2019
Jacob could take the biscuit wee pun there when he’s pm and it’s used remember where you heard it first . Sorta Weecalf wee pun lol
May will not just go. She will have to be dragged off scratching and biting back. Problem is that David Lidington looks like the likely candidate. Another Europhile hand wringer and best chum of the odious Hammond.
David Lidington has stated that he he is not interested. (0ne o,clock news)
Good Danny...…..Give it to Moggy.
Don't think that there will be a vacancy anytime soon.
"She is not stepping down according to Downing Street.(12 o.clock news)news"

On the basis that she has reneged on just about everything she has uttered in the last two years, when can we expect her resignation speech?

"David Lidington has stated that he he is not interested. (0ne o,clock news)"

And on the basis that Mr Lidington is probably of the same ilk, when does he start?

(Where's Jim Hacker?)
NJ, O ye of little faith.
I can only repeat what I've said before - nobody wants her job till she's done the hard work. They ran away the last time it was up for grabs. They backed away from a confidence vote. There is just no way any of these heroic lads and lasses would take the job if it was handed to them on a plate today.
It's questions like this that makes me worry about this marvellous 'sovereignty' we are suddenly about to get. Who'll be directing the show... I honestly can't think of anyone with a shot that I'd feel comfortable with so yes, why not David Beckham.
A very nice left wing friend of mine who works in the Civil Service has always said the one person he dreads getting the job of PM for the Cons is Gove because he has brains, is clever, charming, and would be good at it. This from a staunch left winger who works with these people at the highest level. I've mentioned him before on here, he strongly disliked May saying very early on she is not a leader and changes her mind all the time so increasing everyone's workload.
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The situation is different now. The “hard work” no one wanted was the negotiation with the EU and that is now at an end. I agree that I can’t see a rush of people coming forward to take over but we’re bang in the middle of a crisis now and if the tune she’s consistently played, the course she has relentlessly ploughed, really is doomed, it’s hard to see how she could carry on.
Like NJ, I take these pronouncements coming out of the cabinet and number 10 with a huge amount of sodium scepticide.
ich, do you honestly think that she would step aside? Maybe when hell freezes over.
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If that deal dies then if she doesn’t step aside I think she’ll be pushed
How can she be pushed? If she digs her heels in then surely she stays.
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Well yes true but surely even she cannot be that stubborn.
Of course what matters is that this mess is sorted out. If she thinks she can still do that then she will try to hang on. If other people also think they then I guess she will stay but it sounds as though she has alienated even most of those who previously supported her.
No matter what they think, there is no official way of forcing her out.
ichkeria, the hard work I meant was being in office when Brexit takes place, and what I assume will be months of chaos afterward (I hadn't predicted the months of chaos we've already had, as I underestimated the sheer incompetence of office-holders; but there's no way things are going to get better after B Day, whenever it is). New captains want to take over a ship that's on a steady course, not one heading uncontrollably for Norwegian rocks.
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Well if everyone or even enough people in the cabinet say “go” then she will go.
ich, Why should she?
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Well if the PM does toddle off there would presumably be an interim PM. Who might not necessarily be around long.
As for the future well we know some Tory MPs are trying to sell their support by insisting she does indeed not stick around for the next bit. And one can only guess why ...

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