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Best bring Tony Blair back then , "Things Can Only Get Better" He would have managed Brexit far better than this load of Slime Balls.
With Blair there wouldn’t have been any Brexit.He would have been in Junckers place anyway.
Where's Nick Clegg when you need him?
No thanks

'No way Jose'
If Blair had had his way we would now be in the Euro, bailing Greece out.
That’s a resounding NO.
I've no interest who the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is until we have left the EU - properly (and I know what that means). Events of the last two or three years have shown that the UK Prime Minister will remain enthralled to the European Project and the only way to prevent that is to leave.
My objection to Javid is his job. The Home Office is, in my view, a deeply compromised (I might go further and say corrupt) department and has been so under both its previous two ministers.
Maybe so Maggie, but at least they save you from the control of Nicola Sturgeon !
Although I must say I have considerably more respect for Javid than his predecessors.

Thinking about it,I am surprised that that anybody would want the poisoned chalice.It certainly isn't going to be a position of strength and whoever gains the top job will be forever watching their backs.
No thanks.
The only one of the bunch of lickspittles to have emerged with a smidgeon of credit is Raab. Whoever is appointed Tory leader will not be PM for long. The next GE will Bury them.
Hi AV. Have you heard the latest tune on Y Tube? I won't post the link as it will be taken down. You can however load it using the incomplete link below by adding https: to the front end without a space. 17 Million koffs. A Brexit Song. :))

If only it was a laughing matter.
Remember Geezer…...He who laughs last (^_*)
LOL, very good that Togo.
// I'd rather have him than Gove or Boris.//

no no in fact I will do a H of C and just who I dont want - - I dont want Gove or Boris

(and den we have a funny conversation beloved of Abers and the Usual Subjects:
ABer - why you say H of C ? why you say dat den ?
Me- because the H of Commons has made its name on doing that over brexit over the last few days. They dont want this and they dont want dat but they havent told told us what they DO want
ABer - why when do dey do dat ?
Me: yesterday - over Brexit
Aber - did dey? when dat? Nincompoop or gobbldeogook or third word ending in "- poop"
Me: er shoop ?
2nd Aber: sorry about being late folks! I was just inflicting intentional brain injury on myself.
Me n Ist Aber - why you do dat den? [in various tones of incredulity]
and so on and so on

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