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Khandro | 10:40 Fri 30th Aug 2019 | News
78 Answers
One doesn't have to be a woman to empathise with how horrible it must be to be raped, but by these faces it must be even more traumatic.


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Breitbart, can't even be bothered to open the link.
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baldric; That is a strange attitude, perhaps you find the subject unimportant, if so, it would say a lot about you.
Does this not "bother " you?

'Six men have been convicted of the historic grooming and raping of vulnerable underaged girls in Rotherham.
Masaued Malik (35), Aftab Hussain (40), Abid Saddiq (38), Sharaz Hussain (35), and two men aged 33 and 35 who cannot be named for legal reasons were found guilty of charges including the rape and sexual assault of seven girls under the age of 16 between 1998 and 2002, following an eight week trial at Sheffield Crown Court.

Saddiq was convicted of two counts of rape, five of indecent assault, and two of child abduction, while Sharaz Hussain, Malik, and Aftab Hussain were convicted of indecent assault. The two others were convicted of indecent assault and rape. The six men will be sentenced on Friday.
Really? You think the victims were staring into their eyes as they were being raped?
Link worked fine for me.
Nothing wrong with the link it's the fact that it's reported by Breitbart.
// but by these faces it must be even more traumatic. //

So you’re saying it would be less traumatic for the victim if the rapists were white and christian and handsome?

You really need to leave the echo chamber more often khandro.

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//So you’re saying it would be less traumatic for the victim if the rapists were white and christian and handsome?// No I didn't mean that at all & I'm sorry if I gave that impression.
Perhaps this link would be more acceptable for those like Baldric.

But then it isn't really about the news source is it?
Gromit always looks for the obscure, almost as if trying to be an apologist (although on this topic I am sure he is not)
I can think of no other imerpretation, Khandro.

Khandro, the only thing it says about me is I can't be bothered with Breitbart.
dam savages should never see the light of day again.
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//the only thing it says about me is I can't be bothered with Breitbart.//
That's fine, then don't 'bother' yourself, but by posting to say so, about a factual piece of news - which contains the Court, the names & the convictions, you imply that this isn't true & does a disservice to the victims.

What have you got against Breitbart?
Most of the reports on this case are dated 2 days ago, yet it is strange that this is the first time I have ever seen any mention on the TV news.
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hc //I can think of no other imerpretation,[sic] Khandro.//
Then you might be lacking in the imagination department. Kenneth Clark famously once said there should be different categories of rape, (though all are obnoxious).
I have a friend who as a child had to watch her mother & grandmother gang- raped by several dirty, stinking, disease ridden members of the Receding Russian army, is that on a par with what we now call 'date-rape'?
It was a 5 week trial. We are seeing reports now because they have been found guilty.
// Breitbart, can't even be bothered to open the link.//
not even um to see if you are in there ? no no !
Almost as good as Nize doorstop - "I am not going to comment"
er sorry Nigh that is a comment

I was referring to the joke with Groucho Marx - I don't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member.

I am nor sure that anyone being assaulted or beaten, would say, actually he didnt look to bad so it was OK really
( every blow was a body blow but he had such a cute smile and his accent, he cd have been Prince Andrew - no no I dont mean that!)


in terms of looks - at the trial of Oscar wilde, 1890
there was evidence of the divine Oscar having tried to kiss a servant and was asked if he had tried to kiss XYZ and he replied
'oh no he was far too ugly !"
and that was the beginning of the end ( of oscar )
yup he was on a sticky wicket.....
and everyone who came up in x-examination,

"did you try to kiss him or was he far too ugly? !"

( yeah yeah I know I will get a gale of protests that I was using long words and sentences of more than three words,
and a hurricane of "who he.....den" [ insert any name at all] and and if it is a date then ' datta long time ago, innit?'

// a friend as a child had to watch her mother & grandmother gang- raped by dirty, stinking, disease ridden members of the advacning all conquering Russian army, is that on a par with what we now call 'date-rape'?//

1945 the red army was ravaging eastern europe - and this sounds like cossacks. The germans had burnt everything in retreat and the cossacks could STILL live off the land....
even the other russians were in awe
My father was learning Rooshan in Nuremberg ( POW camp) as it looked as tho they would all go East .....

no I think it was different
// reports are dated 2 days ago, yet it is strange that this is the first time I have ever seen any mention on the TV news.//

no no come on come on
we have had all this before: after indictment, reporting is severely restricted by contempt of court rules ( remember that awful Tommy hoosit who did things he assured a judge he wouldnt - oh whoopsie! Yes! he was doing whoopsies in the slammer for a few months )

sometimes even court reports are restricted
and yes we know the reason why
as we have raised it so often
Minor involved OR
there is a second case to come

Conclusion: it is not strange at all - it is how courts work now a days

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