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Gina Millers Lawyer Is Lord Pannick

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Bobbisox1 | 15:09 Thu 19th Sep 2019 | News
18 Answers
A poor choice of name in the Supreme Court just now

Anyone else watching it?


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He worked on Gina Miller’s case in 2016 resulting in Parliament must have a vote on Brexit. He won that case for her.
I wonder if Lord Keen will live up to his name.
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I wonder Gromit, are you watching it?
It’s on in the background. Husband has been watching. Is it still going on? So tedious. They should all condense their arguments to 100 words, IMO.
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No result till next week apparently Jo, yes very tedious it is
TBF the outcome is largely irrelevant anyway. Legal, carry on, illegal, err carry on! It only actually took 4 days more than the usual recess anyway, considerable less that it's going to take to decide this! So if it's ruled illegal are they suddenly going to cancel their conferences and return to the house?
Don't think the result will matter anyway :-
Latest on Boris's plan:-
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I was watching it thinking there’d be a result one way or another, how naive am I? Haha
The result will be hugely significant, not necessarily for Brexit, but for Britain and what happens in future.
The “choose your name” I don’t think it was Lord Pannick’s to choose :-)
My favourite: Tory MP Mark Reckless who gambled his political future by defecting from the Tories to UKIP - and lost his seat.
....which is what will happen to the Tory/Lab ones that have just defected to the Lib NonDems.
I guess he could have called himself Lord Anything ( could he? Or are law lords different?)
But I like the idea he though Pannick was too good to change :-)

Lord Pannick is not a Law Lord, he is a practising barrister and has been in the Lords as a Baron since 2008.

I've been watching bits of it and as those presenting refer to evidence supporting their case, they quote the page numbers in the various bundles or files. There are also electronic versions but the page numbers don't match.

Some of the references used, don't match the pages that some of the Judges have, one of their laptops wasn't working and there have been sound problems with the microphones.

I would have thought it would be someone's job to make sure that each Judge has a copy of the same bundles being used by those presenting their case but it seemed a bit confused at times.
Yep as I typed that it didn’t seem right.
Baron Pannick is even better.
Then there’s Jonathan Sumption. You can’t con Sumption he’s no ass :-)
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I’ve seen Lord Adonis wolf and then I’ve seen a Greek Adonis too haha, I’m afraid there’s no comparison
The recess argument is a red herring, TTT -- and indeed, even the High Court rejected that aspect of it. Parliament could have voted to cancel the recess before it started, and even if they had not, then recess and prorogation are very different functionally.
I've been watching it a lot. Going to be interesting to see which way it goes. Current feeling from Downing Street sources seems to be that the Supreme Court will rule that prorogation *is* justiciable, thus forcing PMs in future to use it only for the Queen's Speech purpose or at any rate with the explicit permission of Parliament; but that Johnson may be able to stick to his current timetable.

But really nobody knows. Except that it won't be long before we find out. Beginning of next week the decision will be out apparently.

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