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Would You Be Happy ? M&s Changing Room Policy

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Bobbisox1 | 11:30 Mon 04th Nov 2019 | News
328 Answers
Sharing a dressing room with the opposite sex?
Again is this a case of ‘ pandering to the minority’ ?



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With lockable cubicles, I wouldn't be bothered. With communal rooms, I would. You are totally wrong, spath... it is not "transphobic". I would be perfectly happy to share space with a woman dressed as a man... so it isn't about "trans" people. I would not be comfortable sharing with a man, though. That may be sexist, but life is, and sonis reality.
12:17 Mon 04th Nov 2019
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That’s totally honest of you Gym, and a really good post, thanks
I very much doubt that.
What do you doubt ummmm? That I wear women's clothes? I'm not ashamed of it I just wish some people would stop blocking natural progress.
I doubt very much that 'male' and 'female' on toilet doors will be looked at the way we looked at the swastika !!! What utter tosh.
That's because you are out of touch with the cultural conversation and modern society. Honestly - when I read threads like this it terrifies me that people over 65 are allowed to vote. Can you believe the other day a 68 year old asked me what CIS means.
Of course you can wear whatever you want, Tim. Who says you can't? Totally irrelevant to male and female toilets though
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Yes Gym, I’m sorry but I’m near 73 and I wasn’t familiar with it either, you must remember we are of a different generation and if transgender issues were around and I’m sure they were,it was not as openly discussed as it is today
To be honest I had to goggle cis and I’m under 65.
You are straying into the ridiculous now Tim.

I too doubt the traditional Ladies/Gents signs would be viewed that way if they went, we'd simply recall that's how they used to be.

The argument about upper voting age limits is wrong also - everyone should have say.

You were doing so well with your honest and open earlier response too.

It isn't all about 'them and us'.
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Does this mean I shouldn’t vote?
Bit harsh that is :0/
I don't understand how Tim is suggesting he is in touch with "society", when it is "society" that is preventing him doing what he wants to feel comfortable.
Sherrard, Cis just means you follow the stereotypes of your own sex. I don't know of anyone that 100% does that. It is just used nowadays to look "with it" (and fail...)
No Bobbisox I don't believe you should be allowed to vote. Nothing against you personally you seem lovely but your generation has caused so much destruction and misery they just don't deserve it any more.
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Well that’s me told :0/
Lol... you no longer exist, bobbi... as they keep trying to tell us...
Sorry if that seems harsh nothing against you. I'm 21 and all I can think about are the problems I will have to face in my lifetime that your generation has caused.
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In what way have we caused misery and destruction.? You have made a very sweeping statement. It would be interesting to know just what we have done.
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I’m in no mans land, my 73 years mean nowt at all Pix, I’m gutted
Yes. It is all about you, Tim. Nobody else should have the right to a say. Snort.

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