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Would You Be Happy ? M&s Changing Room Policy

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Bobbisox1 | 11:30 Mon 04th Nov 2019 | News
328 Answers
Sharing a dressing room with the opposite sex?
Again is this a case of ‘ pandering to the minority’ ?



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With lockable cubicles, I wouldn't be bothered. With communal rooms, I would. You are totally wrong, spath... it is not "transphobic". I would be perfectly happy to share space with a woman dressed as a man... so it isn't about "trans" people. I would not be comfortable sharing with a man, though. That may be sexist, but life is, and sonis reality.
12:17 Mon 04th Nov 2019
^ 'hulk'
I'm not going to debate trans right with people who are so trans phobic they don't even know what they are.

Educate yourself and you might understand what trans rights mean.

You're like SK chatting absolute nonsense about straight rights LOL. Clueless.

What about white privalage yarda yarda yarda.


've said many times i'm done with discussion here. But I have every right for my name not to be dragged through the disillusion dirt.
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Why don’t you think rational and answer Pixie ?
She’s never said a word wrong to you on this thread Spath
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Whoaaa, is there any need ^^^^
Thanks, bobbi too x will wait for spath's rational answers. I am not convinced he is even reading them... it just looks like a hysterical knee-jerk reaction.
Spath, I have been researching this for 25 years now. You?
//"Maybe time to evolve beyond your irrational gender Stereoscopes."

I'm well aware what word I used, and it's the one I meant to use, thank you.//

Really? A stereoscope is a device used to look at two images at once so as to give to the viewer a "3D" effect:

So what are these "irrational gender 3D viewers" all about, spathi, and what have they to do with this question?

Here's a tip: if you've made an error and it is pointed out to you, just say "thanks" and move on. Try not to make yourself look an even bigger sprat without the 's'.
not a chance.
You are being so rude, spath. Please sort yourself out x
It’s one thing to have a couple of cubicles curtained off on the shop floor as in Fat Face, but another to have men and women trying on clothes in the same kind of space that M&S has now - albeit with lockable individual cubicles.
I’m not worried that the men are going to burst in and attack me. I just wouldn’t be comfortable with them there. And I’m not transphobic or prejudiced against anyone for their gender or sexuality.

Ok, please educate me on "trans' rights" then...
Exactly, Clover... x
To answer the OP, no, I would not be happy.
The transgender rights movement is a movement to promote transgender rights and to eliminate discrimination and violence against transgender people regarding housing, employment, public accommodations, education, and health care.

Trans rights is the movement promoting how transgender people have the right not to be discriminated against with violence, employment, public accommodations (Toilets! Changing rooms!) and other things such as health care.

25 years, you must of learned that... surely.....
Top para should be in "" marks.
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I wouldn’t like it either Clover, as mentioned I think by Naomi,you try an evening dress on which you need help zipping up, there no assistant near by,who do you ask? Because the only man I’d ask would be my husband and he’s not there
Get a chaperone.

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