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Would You Be Happy ? M&s Changing Room Policy

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Bobbisox1 | 11:30 Mon 04th Nov 2019 | News
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Sharing a dressing room with the opposite sex?
Again is this a case of ‘ pandering to the minority’ ?



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With lockable cubicles, I wouldn't be bothered. With communal rooms, I would. You are totally wrong, spath... it is not "transphobic". I would be perfectly happy to share space with a woman dressed as a man... so it isn't about "trans" people. I would not be comfortable sharing with a man, though. That may be sexist, but life is, and sonis reality.
12:17 Mon 04th Nov 2019
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A kilt Steggers? Well mind you wear those kex:0)
It wouldn't personally bother myself getting changed in front of all and sundry (I'm no adonis mind) but would feel uncomfortable for the ladies... with my phone in hand ready to send to youtube. ;-)
spath, I repeat, how do you know all those who want to share female facilities are 'trans'?
//The physical is influenced by the psychological, something you've just shown you have no concern for in your flippant comments.//

Are you attempting "most ignorant post of the week"? Yes, I understand. I also understand the difference between sex and gender. Please stop stropping, and just explain it. I am listening...
"spath, I repeat, how do you know all those who want to share female facilities are 'trans'?"

It doesn't matter if they are or if they aren't. That's the point.

Why all this confusion when we could just have one big shared changing room / toilet?
"I also understand the difference between sex and gender. Please stop stropping, and just explain it. I am listening..."

you understand but you're not concerned.
Easy for you to say, as a man, though. Has it occurred to you, that women getting undressed, may feel more vulnerable around strange men. Does that matter?

One day, you may have a 7 year old daughter, spath. If you ever sent her into changing rooms while taking her swimming, and she came straight back out and said
"Daddy, there's a naked man in there, I don't want to"

Are you honestly saying, that your response to her would be... "that's because you are a transphobic, darling. Now get back in there and take your clothes off" ?
So no response to my idea then? I've tried but I think I'm out :-)
Absolute rubbish, spath. I am always concerned about people- particularly those more vulnerable. I disagree with your methods, but that does not make me "unconcerned". I am also concerned about females too... and that obviously makes me transphobic ....
spath, of course it matters!! If it didn't matter we wouldn't be having this conversation!
So basically, because women are (or feel as you say)vulnerable and weak we should ignore a collective?

Because I really do not think women are vulnerable or weak, especially when congregated in the same room against one person they might have objection to.

""Daddy, there's a naked man in there, I don't want to""

Futile experiment. People don't get changed in the middle of a unisex changing room. And if she did, i'd explain to her just because someone is naked in a changing room doesn't mean they have it out for you, or that they want to look at you naked. They're changing.. in a changing room.. How is that sinister?

What is sinister as a woman, is amusing every man wants to perve on you or rape you.
You realise a transwoman (or as you'd awfully put it, a man in a dress.. vile) feels like a woman? They have no interest in looking at your body.
"Or do you really think it's acceptable to make those who are uncomfortable with the idea, share changing facilities with the opposite sex?"

NewJudge, no one makes people leave their house in the morning. If all toilets and changing rooms were uni sex i'd have no objection.

There could be face rec cameras not allowing anyone on the sex register to enter.
spath, any man - trans or otherwise - cannot possibly know how a woman feels. None of them are women. Not one.
Spath, I have never said women are weak! Physically, they obviously have less chance against a man. Neither am I suggesting that all trans people, or all men, are perverts. We just know some are... and far far more than females.
It is perfectly rational for a lone woman to be a little wary of strange men. And yes, people do just get undressed in communal changing rooms. That is what it means.
You are obviously a man, and I don't expect you to understand, but females are taught from birth to look after themselves as they are more vulnerable. And if they feel more comfortable getting undressed with each other, how is it your place to say that we shouldn't? What would you know?
And you're not trans. So stop saying they're just men in dresses because that's certainly not their mentality.

Would you see a 30 year old male with heavy autism as as 30 year old male? Or as a 30 year old male with autisum?
"how is it your place to say that we shouldn't? What would you know?"

Yes, as a woman, what would you know about trans mentality? And how is it your place to say where they should and shouldn't be allowed?
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I’m not typing from my computer so can’t copy and paste your comment ( Spath) as to what you’d say to a small girl in a changing room in front of a stranger who is naked,
I found it very distasteful to bd honest
//Would you see a 30 year old male with heavy autism as as 30 year old male? Or as a 30 year old male with autisum? //

And off around the houses he goes .....
You are confused again... a woman who is trans, is still a woman. I have no problem sharing space with her. It is men that I would feel uncomfortable with. Single-sex spaces have been hard fought for for a reason. They are not single-handed spaces, because that is unnecessary.

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