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Further Tory Housing Failure

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spathiphyllum | 11:35 Fri 08th Nov 2019 | News
82 Answers
It's a shame, with the farce that is brexit, that the conservative government have put almost everything else on the back burner.


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Of course there are thousands of homes being built and sold (even as i type this, i can hear the diggers at the top of my street where a dozen bungalows are to be built). But none of them are part of the 2015 election promise made by David Cameron. And this info hasn't come from some loony lefty newspaper. It's from the National Audit Office. the money put aside for...
14:46 Sat 09th Nov 2019
//Getting to an airport would cost me over £50 let alone the flight itself if I were to go Ibiza. Much more qualified attractive people they want working as their agents these days, probably bilingual also a skill I don't have. //

I would suggest to you that a plane flight to Ibezia today on easy jet is a darn sight cheaper than it was in 1969. My wife didn't, at the time, speak Spanish when she took the plunge. She learnt it on the job. That is why I said she speaks like a nattive. The locals didn't realise even now she is an English rose.

But yes, you are quite correct, times have changed for the worse and so has the work ethic. Too many people want to do as little as possible with the expectation that others will provide for them. I can see all your barriers you are putting up.Most people who have the will to work will surpass them and jump them rather than feel life is unfair and vote Labour in the vain hope they will be given a 2 bed semi and allowed to sit on a computer all day.
Is your 'company' registered at Company House btw? :-)
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So how does that reflect the fact that tories have yet again not committed to a promise, and has mugged the tax payer by using the money we put towards it for other agendas ?

I've said recently... I'm not voting labour and believe it or not, I didn't in the last election.
Theres an idea. You could sweep chimneys in Spain. It gets very cold in Winter and they burn wood fires. Plenty of soot.
Was chatting to a friend (French) about the housing crisis and the difficulty young people have getting on to the property ladder. She couldn't understand our apparent obsession with owning property. Very few in France seem to, which gives them much more flexibility to move where work is without all the hassle of selling up and having to buy again. This seems to work well in the US too.
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Houses in the USA are stupidly cheap. I don't want to rent because I want to have a home i'm comfortable in an can settle in and can modify to my desires like my grandparents were able to before houses were £150K +
Maggie, not only in France, but in Luxembourg too.
And Germany
Home ownership is your investment. Better than any current Bank Interest. My houses are mine to do what I wish to do with them. I have no worries about rogue landlords. They are both fully insured should any major repairs be needed .I would hate to rent.
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I would feel the same, the idea of renting isn't ideal.
Spatty....stop being so need to be a better chimney bigger houses..the same goes for your gardening business.Any decent gardener should be earning £50k +.. it wont come to you mate.You're clearly not stupid(some of the time anyway).Stop crying into your keyboard and push..push..push.
Spath - my daughter has had two promotions in two years from sheer hard work. She also has a second job so often works 7 days a week plus evenings after work to pay for her extras.
I have driven round my county extensively this last 18 months or so, and I am horrified by the amount of huge housing developments that have gone up, or signs in fields saying ‘acquired by whatever house builder.’
Most seem to include 2 bed flats and houses, so surely these are counted as being affordable?
And don’t these big schemes now have to include X amount of properties for social housing?

Villages I hadn’t been to for a while (including one where I used to live) now have so many houses, that I fail to see how they can be called villages any more. Most also seem to have had a small supermarket built as well.

We don’t need more houses. We need less people.

hereIam @ 12.27. It looks to me like green fields are being used, not brown field sites. I assume that’s why there is so much roadkill these days. Their natural habitats have been destroyed.
I think the "housing crisis" is fantastic.

I live in the South East and the house I bought is now worth an absolute bloody fortune. Houses in the SE are vastly overpriced for bricks and mortar, but it's been brilliant for me and mine.

I'm looking forward to the day my wife and I downsize and free up shed-loads of equity to give to our two kids to allow them to buy.
That's the ticket DD. My wife and I have already given one house to our eldest son in Dorset. My younger son, not that well qualified worked in Sainsbury,Barclays Bank and now a driver (HGV) for a London air conditioning company. By sheer hard work ,drive and charisma he has worked hard and managed to buy a single studio flat in London. He refuses to take any financial help from his parents although it is offered. Our house in London is willed to him in any case. I despair when I see Losers whingeing on this site
My younger son had the offers of help from his mum and dad and had the pride to say he would stand on his own two feet.I have great respect for my son. Spath is a loser and wants to be. Thank God my kids have more pride than he has.
Trouble is Retrocop, the Gulliver's and Diddlydo's on this site think people like you, who look after yourself and your kith and kin and who may amass a bit of money for you and yours, are evil and should not be allowed to have any money.

They are advocates of the communistic redistribution of wealth. Diddlydo actually said as much.

Everything I do, I do for my kids.
I just paid a plumber £70 for less than one hours work cash. My nephew joined the army to train as a plumber.
He is now sitting pretty. He didn’t bleat, he thought of a plan, and followed it. Sitting around moaning will not help anybody, least of all yourself.
There are thousands of new starter homes built around Windsor & Slough in last 3years. Usually on council land. Ive heard Slough's 15y shopping centre to be demolished for more homes. That's ALL more than none during Conservative watch.
As some have said there are thousands of houses being built – and sold.
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Bigbad at 15:49 Fri. Agree with you 100%.

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