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Organ Donor Transplant

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Bazile | 15:28 Sat 16th Nov 2019 | News
67 Answers
Am I correct in saying that the deadline to register your wishes is tommorrow ?

What is your wishes - assuming you want to say ?


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So what is it now ?
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At the moment you opt in by registering your details to be a donor online or of course many people carry a card.
There's a search box on here.
I don't think any relative "afterwards" should be allowed to overrule a decision to donate. But I also think people should be aware they may be kept longer on life-support machines, etc., if they agree.
That was rude of me, I shall report it.

When you give blood they give you a form to opt in or out. I assume it's just an opt out form now.

I don't think it's a question that should be asked of grieving loved ones. My kids and their kids (if they have any) will hopefully never know that there was an option.
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Lol :-). That is funny:-) xx
I will probably be in the situation where I need donated corneas and my instinct is to refuse to have them as I find the whole idea repulsive and it appals me. I will be interested to see if my opinion changes when the time comes.
What did I miss?
It might change Hc, I think mine would - I have never had any suggestion of future surgery/transplant mentioned to me.
Gulliver suggesting he is more intelligent than, Danny, ummm.
In any case as long as people are aware of what they have signed up for- and don't just believe they will be dead and know no different... fair enough.
You probably will change your mind, hc.

I had a blood transfusion. Blood, platelets, plasma, I don't know how many people provided me with it.
Lol Pixie...

Downside to blood transfusions means I'm not allowed to give blood anymore.
I will be opting out, don't want to say why.
If any of my bits are worth anything after I'm gone then people are welcome to them (they've already had about 100 "armful"s)

*armful = a Tony Hancock measure.
I completely understand why someone would opt out.
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Organ Donor Transplant

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