//That’s 1 less Brexiteer//
It doesn’t matter now, Gromit. The people’s vote that those who have no respect for democracy demanded was yesterday and the people have spoken again - and again decisively. Time to put the Brexit argument to bed and time for Remainers to acknowledge defeat and cease their puerile, petty, contentious lip-dragging. They’ve embarrassingly and relentlessly hauled this country through on-going misery for the past three and a half years and the electorate has had enough of it - and said so.
The City is confident, the economy is thriving, and Labour’s disastrous out-dated Marxist intentions that would without doubt have led to poverty and ruination have been firmly rejected - along with many of its cobweb strewn dinosaurs who have no place in a democratic, forward-thinking, thriving society. The people have spoken and democracy has triumphed - as it should. Time to once again take pride in our country and move on.