Why do you think this child’s parents are going to tell them they can pick their gender?
Both of them seem not confused at all about who they want to be anyway.
I’m not sure running around as a tomboy is quite the same thing as seriously wanting to change your gender ...
//I’m not sure running around as a tomboy is quite the same thing as seriously wanting to change your gender ... //
Just don't let the gender-obsessed catch you doing it or you could find yourself … err… sorted out.
This is entirely selfish. Love the child? No. If they considered the child they wouldn’t do it. They love alright … themselves. //I’m not sure running around as a tomboy is quite the same thing as seriously wanting to change your gender ... //
Just don't let the gender-obsessed catch you doing it or you could find yourself … err… sorted out.
I agree with APG. This is entirely selfish. Love the child? No. If they considered the child they wouldn’t do it. They love certainly … themselves.