Ah the irony, but likely your ego inhibits you recognizing it.
Welcome Onboard Bobbisox, you exhibit that endemic qualifying affliction 5 others have demonstrated today on this forum ... an aversion to answering direct questions. ( also called cop-outis)
I’ll answer you!
Don’t care where she was phoning from,she’s on a British radio show telling listeners that IS are freedom fighters ,they aren’t , they are scum who’ve gleefully murdered and beheaded innocent people , she’s an enemy of normal thinking people and if you can’t see this then you’re no better !!
"The achievement is taking out a man who was utterly evil and who was directly responsible for the murder and maiming of thousands of people. "
Did you know Soleimani? Who/what 'told' you he was "utterly evil "? Who/what 'told' you he "was directly responsible for the murder and maiming of thousands of people" ?
It is not a question of 'I was right/I was wrong', think 'opinion' and 'justified belief' ( epistemology )
They said Gaddafi was the devil, Kim Jong-il was a devil, Hitler had only got one ball.... do you believe everything they feed to you ?
"Maybe its the US saying that no one is beyond their reach no matter how far up the chain they are - "
I heard a US Ambassador on tonight news on R4 saying it was to stop the killings Qasem Soleimani was intending... the pre-crime, R2P nonsense we had in Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Panama, .....
// I didn't say the US had withdrawn completely.//
one can imagine a speech by POTUS rapturously received by his ardent admirers - on AB that is ! sort of open mouthed wonder
I didn't say I had withdrawn completely. [ POTUS smiles knowingly - the audience er erupts]
I just withdrew a liddle bit, [ the audience screams]
she loved it ( more screams) and asked for more....
so I went right back in hard ! [ audience sort of messes everywhere)
she by the way is a country called Iraq / Syria
// They said Gaddafi was the devil, Kim Jong-il was a devil, Hitler had only got one ball.Boris is a good prime minister who will deliver Brexit pronto... do you believe everything they feed to you ?
ah sevenOP I see - you're one of those aren't you?
A contrary opinion for the sake of contrariness even when when what is in front of you is as plain as the nose on your face.
No of course I didn't know Soleimani (stupid question on your part), but I've known of him for some time; For good order's sake I didn't know Hitler either, but I'm pretty confident in saying he was evil as well.
You're one of those people who have never ever been wrong, aren't you?