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tiggerblue10 | 14:38 Fri 03rd Jan 2020 | News
157 Answers
and should the rest of the UK and other nations be worried about the consequences and repercussions?


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19.31 Agree completely DD. Well said!
Iran is allied with Russia, Turkey, and Syria, and supported by the Shia in Iraq.
This alliance well established in Syria, attacking Idlib province.
I predict that Isrsel will be attacked with missives and an invasion in the north, the Golan Heights.
What has just happened is irreversible, and the next events will begin to unfold soon.


Those guys and gals in the shades and suits are going to earn their crust for the foreseeable future keeping the head honchos safe.

The public may have to fend for themselves though.

^^^I assumed as much - I knew they wouldn't be concerned with strongly worded letters!
Deskdiary, of course I can be wrong, and have been wrong many times in my life and I am NOT claiming to be right NOW. I have never and probably will never who is always right. They don't exist.

Shame, I thought you might be different to the six other posters today that rather than answer a question ( fair do, I'm not your master NOR better, they resorted to this cheap ad hominem trick of pointing the finger.

What about you davebro, the unaccountable echo chamber, will you answer the questions I asked Deskdiary @ 19:46 Fri 03rd Jan 2020 ?
If I’m numbered in the 6 you speak of , I did answer your question, you choose to ignore things that are said that flies in the face of your strange ideals!!
" I did answer your question"

What question Bobbisox?
17-57 sevenOP.....!
sevenOP - I will answer each of your questions in the order they appeared;

1. "Did I know Solemani?"

No (I've already answered this question).

2. "Who/what 'told' you he was "utterly evil "?"

I've known of this man's actions for some time, and have been 'told' from numerous and various news outlets (i.e, how most of us form an opinion).

3. "They said Gaddafi was the devil, Kim Jong-il was a devil, Hitler had only got one ball.... do you believe everything they feed to you ?"

No - because I have, what they call in the medical profession 'A Brain' and this allows me to form an opinion from the numerous and various news outlets I use. I have no idea if Hitler had one ball or three.

There you go - asked and answered.
Theland Turkey's border was a main route for arms, jihadis both ways and oil into Turkey from ISIS+ jihadis.

Idlib is where the jihadis have escaped to and are massed and Idlib borders Turkey.

The Golan Heights IS Syrian. ie South Syria not North Israel.

But death is 'irreversible', you got that one right.
Time to stop these Iranians crossing the channel and being allowed in our country, we just do not know who are coming.
Golan heights WAS Syrian, not any more, not ever.
aog, what time was this Talk Radio show on last night so we can 'Listen Again' ?
Deskdiary, cop-out non-answer @ 20:45 Fri 03rd Jan 2020

Theland, are you a pro-Zionist ? need some more Land ?
^^ Haha this one is having a melt down. Demanding answers, but rejecting them when they don't meet with approval. Just like the Europhiles and the leftie luvvies who will only accept an answer if it meets their narrow interpretation of the truth or favoured future policy. Just for the record although the profile says female I doubt it's veracity. I also detect a definite pan American viewpoint. Very strange behaviour all round. I have decided not to partake in this particular care in the community project. It will not go well methinks.
^^^How so?

I've answered the questions you asked.

What more can I do?
^^^Mine was to sevenOP - not you Togo.

Would it be better, sevenOP, if you tell me the answers you want to hear from your questions? If it is, let me know, and I'll post them for you.
I totally agree with Togo about this posters credentials
Togo @ 21:11 Fri 03rd Jan 2020

Wow!! Classic projection, deflection, evasion and a L'il bit zenophobia.

Shame the Ed pulled the 300 Spartan thread this morning as I had just replied to your full psychobabble at 301 with my retort @ 302 the Whoosh! 'pull it' like Silverstein said of 3rd Tower ....

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