The issue arises because airport owners continue to exploit human nature for profit, even though it gives rise to instances like this.
Airport owners were quick to realise that delayed passengers are bored passengers, and bored passengers will drink alcohol to pass the time.
Bingo - instant profit from inflated prices, a seller's market, a captive clientele, all they need is to provide basic bar facilities to indulge said passengers, and the money flows in.
Of course the downside, rude drunken violent horrible frightening passengers are not the airports' problem - that lies squarely with the airlines, who have no control over what is poured into their passengers before they get on their planes, and behave accordingly when a mix of alcohol and low air pressure creates that particularly combustible mix of excess alcohol, confinement, boredom, and rank stupidity.
Until the airlines draw a line for the safety of their staff and passengers, the airports will continue to ignore the fall-out from a problem that does not directly affect them.
There is absolutely no need for people to drink alcohol before flying - it should be banned outright.