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'equality' & 'social Justice'

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Khandro | 11:24 Fri 24th Jan 2020 | News
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The Labour leadership candidates (& the rest of the Corbynistas) never stop banging on about these, but they never define them, what do you think they mean?


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I've exhausted my knowledge on the subject, Karl, save to say that true socialism doesn't work and Communism & Marxism definitely don't. Not on a claim that they make all people equal and that they bring about social justice, anyway.
15:46 Fri 24th Jan 2020
ZM, I think we are largely in agreement inasmuch as I don't think there is any formula or party political policy that solves all societal ills. However, simply striving to undo injustice and increase equality is in itself and by its nature a socialist endeavour even though those who would call themselves (and be called) socialists at least sometimes bring along with that trait a tendency toward dogma and drift/intermixing into/with other things as well. I prefer to consider socialism a generic term rather than a party-political label - it sort of bars the foam-at-the-mouth accusations of communism (compare disapproval of Israeli conduct and accusations of anti-Semitism). If you saw the news clip of that poor woman at some USA rally or another years back against the notion of and fight for universal healthcare rights in the USA (nowadays referred to as Obamacare) saying it was ".....well, umm, COMMUNISM" then you understand what I mean.
Indeed (I think).
It's to do with how society allows huge riches for folk that don't benefit society enough to justify it, and how some get no chance to attain a decent lifestyle due to circumstances; and trying to tackle that inequity.
The things you describe, OG, are inevitable consequences of capitalism and the differing abilities of it's populace.
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OG //........ and how some get no chance to attain a decent lifestyle due to circumstances; and trying to tackle that inequity.//

Its a very laudable sentiment & designed to gain votes, but how do that plan to DO it?
How do they plan to asses a person's 'lifestyle circumstances'? & how is it that so many people from disadvantaged origins climb to become highly successful in life ?
Ohhh, unexpected BA there. Thanks, Karl.
ZM, ;)
BA is often defined as what is sought and thus is perhaps readily definable from the outset and not truly unexpected.
Ain’t that the truth!

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