Naomi - // Before laying into people, AH, do try to understand what you're actually reading. It helps. //
Back to schoolmarm mode again?
Save yourself the trouble of the other two.
If you think that a woman meeting someone again who has attacked her once is something you don't understand, and clearly you don't by your own admission, then why don't you try acquainting yourself with the concept of manipulation, fear, control, violence, sexual abuse, and the methods used by predatory men to continue to manipulate, control, and abuse vulnerable scared shy defenceless women.
There are a thousand and one things that would damage me permanently that I would not do - but unlike you, that does not prevent me from understanding and sympathising with people who do do those things to themselves, with those consequences, because they are less fortunate in their ability to protect themselves than I am.
That includes women who return to hotel rooms to meet men who have attacked them - it's a pity that it appears to be so difficult for you to understand that just because you would not do that, it is beyond your comprehension that another woman would.
Try reading about that - give yourself a break from Islam, it may educate you in ways that are more relevant and important here in the real world.