Some people really have got their heads firmly wedged up their own backsides here haven't they?
Diddly, I'm sure 3T said he didn't pick his son up in the end (I might be wrong), not that the truth ever dissuaded you from point scoring.
Anne. Nasty, vindictive piece of work aren't you? God forbid anyone should do something for someone else. How self congratulating Minty is, shopping for someone high risk like that. Tut tut.
As usual, this thread has sunk to the level of people lobbing verbal rocks at one another. I've been a Labour voting "lefty" for most of my adult life. And you know what? Some of you make me ashamed of my beliefs. You're an embarrassment to yourself, and you're an embarrassment to Labour.
I would advocate respectful discussion and debate, but I'm starting to think that you're incapable of, or uninterested in doing that.