// No, you haven't, but then I was making the exact opposite point.//
yeah jesus - why dont people read the posts before they blaart ?
and THEN boys and girls - there would be no need to apologise for
1) clarifying the next day - by putting a 'nart' in it somewhere = the Trump manoeuvre let us call it - unless you are reserving THAT for when he stuffs his hand down a woman's .......
2) saying you meant the oppo which is obvious if you read it
3) otherwise making a complete arriss of oneself
oh, and what am I blamed for - today?
being incomprehensible and a complete froot=loop
being very comprehensible and very very wrong (again)
both - at the same time ! - your answers please
// Jim, //That is radically different from suggesting that those views shouldn't be censored. // What does that^ mean?//
oh my god - this isnt a comedy script for ISIRTA (*) is it? Add in my sincere apology for something - anything. Crazy thread, crazy posters on a crazy subject - only on AB (again)
David Icke I think ( eek!) should be allowed to say what he wants. we all think he is mad. But the Pres of the worlds greatest country - er no NOT Xi Jing Pin - isnt he limited by sanity and truth?
Naomi says something crazy one day and the reverse ( still crazy somehow) the next and the markets do not budge
The president says a damn fool thing and the markets fall 10%
and that is why there is a duty on the president to say more sensible things that either Naomi or Icke.
(*) ISIRTA I am sorry I will read that again - comedy show on R 4
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