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//The similarity between these two cases is obvious, both men died. //
A little more than that Mamyalynne.
Until today, that Metro news pop up was the first I knew of this heinous evil and cruel crime on an old war veteran with a blameless record. If some of the jeering ABers were honest with themselves I would wager they were also unaware of this crime either. It may be old new but it isn't fake news. Why Metro published it today is a matter for the editor to explain.
The difference is that we will have, names like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, George Floyd continually thrust down our throats. All good people ,some who should not have died prematurely, in a cruel and needless fashion.
It appears that this senseless death of an old gentleman sits very uncomfortably with some ABers as it appears that their statute of limitations for outrage and condemnation does not extend four years back to an old white man. They will follow like sheep and jump on the bandwagon but have nothing to say about this or the death of the BLM activist killed this week by a black man.
I would sooner learn about the death of this old man four years later than watching towns and livelihoods being burned and looted as his memorial. Most people did not know because the looting and mayhem did not ensue.